@Pat_Walrond @th3j35t3r
Some of us are so old, we had yahoo and/or hotmail accounts (we still use for junk) when both services were brand new, LONG before gmail ever existed.

@th3j35t3r whoa! simplified mode is DIFFERENT but so familiar...lol...I think I like the advanced mode a bit more though, see everything at the same time.

so....only Twitter Blue subscribers will be able to the Text message feature for 2FA effective next month. all other users will have to use an authenticator app or security token.

Yeah....I'll be deleting Twitter soon.

@snarkraider Do not burn bridges. Unless you've been flagged as never hire again or that employer had a majorly toxic work environment, never ever burn bridges

@Vonzales Gotta go with Picard on this. Kirk could be a bit too quick to jump into risky situations.

@th3j35t3r I happily support this site with my Pro subscription....even if I don't seem to find myself taking advantage of every nifty thing!

@th3j35t3r I don't toot on here so much a lurk, but this site in a 1000000 times better than the twitter cesspool

@Mongelli Yes. The wattage is displayed on the interior of the doorframe.

@jerzey Musk has proven to advertisers, he has no intention to do anything about the hate and misinformation on twitter. He's destroying his own brand.

@jerzey I blocked Musk and Orange baboon a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time ago, before baboon's ban on twitter. I dont see any stupidty for either unless someone I follow retweets. Then depending on the context of that retweet, I may unfollow or mute the retweeter.

@Jura1942 Your comments just show up there on the firehose for others to see.

@MovieNights what's the selection criteria used to pick movies for movie night?

@Ricanstruktion Same. Engagement on posts from 5-7 years ago,.. and a WHOLE lot of engagement from small accounts. it's kinda creeping me out.

soooooo...anybody else over on Twitter seeing alot of engagement on their tweets now?
I wouldn't say I'm tweeting anymore than usual, but I am certainly seeing alot more likes and retweets recently than I've averaged over the 10 years I've been on Twitter...

calling it a night here folks, here's to waking up tomorrow to hear Democrats managed to hold on to the House and Senate!

Shout out to Gen Z and Millennials for showing up!!

@opie this is cracking me up. LOL I've been reading my handle as @eclecticbella cause that's my twitter handle, this entire time. I couldn't use ecelecticmezzo on twitter when I set up my account there back in '12.

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