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The people in Florida have only begun the nightmare. With all of the immigrant workers who have left the state, there's no one left to clean up and rebuild. I hope they're wising up about the people they choose to vilify and those they chose to lead their state.

(Of course I know there were many who were already wise. I'm talking about those who either voted for those idiots or thought it was okay to start6 home and watch TV.)

Hey, Jamie, you're looking great without the doorag, but you looked hella cool with one!

Victor Shi:

NEW: GOP Gov. Brian Kemp just announced he will NOT appoint a commission to get rid of DA Fani Willis, saying he has seen “no evidence” to justify doing so & “will follow the law & the constitution—regardless of who it helps politically.” DA Fani Willis isn’t going anywhere!

I hold Dodge equally responsible for this collision. They're not the only auto maker marketing their ridiculously high power by showing their cars flagrantly breaking traffic laws, but they're the worst by far. NO ONE needs 700hp in a passenger car. Most of it is unusable at highway speeds. I'm an old gearhead and understand wanting to tune a vehicle for its best performance. I also understand the potential consequences. Kids with wallets bigger than their brains don't.

Blows me away that the same people who are shouting to the wind about Biden's health say nothing about McConnell. I don't wish health issues on him and don't believe health issues should be capitalized on, but he really needs to reevaluate his fitness for service.

Every so often a song comes along and, for whatever reason, grabs your soul by the hand and dances it into a reverie.

Today this lovely tune led my soul on such a dance.

Ramaswamy is not a serious Presidential candidate. Even if, and its a long stretch to think he could, he wins the GOP nod, there is no way he wins the general.
He refuses to acknowledge Climate Change - he loses the youth vote
He refuses to acknowledge racism - He loses the black vote
He agrees with a ban on abortion - there goes the Womens vote
He wants to abolish Teachers Unions and the Dept of Ed - bye bye every teacher in America

Ignore this fool, he's running for a cabinet spot in Trump II

"This is Bob Barker reminding you to help control the pet population — have your pets spayed or neutered." 💔

The problem with tech bros and politics.
1. Young men.
2. Engineers are great at solving engineering problems. This does not mean that are good at handling political issues.
3. They think because they can solve hard problems they can solve all problems.
4. Don’t seem to have a great grasp on the ‘Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should’ concept.
5. Don’t want this person with their finger on the nuclear button.

This is a terrible loss of a great humanitarian and a thoughtful, caring person.

And yes, a gameshow host on the side.


Another one of those, "Why TF am I subscribed to this channel anyway," channels.

Fascinating stuff, if a times.

Actually, it's pretty gross most of the time.

But fascinating!

@feloneouscat @Damobius The other way to look at it is that if they are wasting their time on quixotic impeachment attempts they can't spend that time making things worse for the rest of us...

@Damobius Technically impeachment is a political act, so it doesn't actually really need evidence, or anything else for that matter, beyond a majority of votes in the House and sixty votes in the Senate. But yeah, this certainly proves that Republican'ts were fully projecting when they started bellyaching about "the weaponization" of the justice system by Democrats...

@TheRealKenInMN @Damobius

At the heart of all of it is “you impeached our guy so we’re going to impeach yours” — simple Tit for Tat gamesmanship.

The problem is it is a waste of Congress’ time since there are not enough votes to convict.

It’s all performance theater.

Sound and fury signifying nothing.

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Jeff - Not-Elon-Musk

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.