
I hold Dodge equally responsible for this collision. They're not the only auto maker marketing their ridiculously high power by showing their cars flagrantly breaking traffic laws, but they're the worst by far. NO ONE needs 700hp in a passenger car. Most of it is unusable at highway speeds. I'm an old gearhead and understand wanting to tune a vehicle for its best performance. I also understand the potential consequences. Kids with wallets bigger than their brains don't.

@Damobius no one ever drives the speed limit on 696. In fact, bottom speed is 10 over and traffic pace is usually higher. Except rush hour.

@Damobius I have a Challenger - not a Hellcat or anything, but one of the V8 models - and the only way you hit 100 in one is if you're trying to, or if you're too inexperienced to be driving one.

@theamericanjerk exactly, and Dodge in its marketing encourages that behavior. They're also producing other vehicles like the Hellcat and marketing them as a way to escape police intervention.

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