Remember, the same Republicans who are right now ousting their own Speaker are the very same folks who tried to hang their own Vice President.

I mean, look at what they do to their own. Imagine what they'll do to YOU.

Qevin went down faster than Bobo in a Theater.

Okay, "Enough" is officially on my reading list.

Can't wait to hear all the "government overreach" and "weaponized DoJ" whining from the Republicans over Menendez.

Spent a little lunchtime watching some of the AG hearing in the House. Could only take a few minutes of that clown show. Time for a little HGTV.

Why are Republican congresspeople such assholes?

The muskrat was LYING when he said he screwed over Ukraine in order to stop a war.

Muskrat is a sniveling suckup for all the fascists. He did it because he's PRO PUTIN.

WTAF?!? The knuckledraggers commenting on this somehow think this is "cool." I get hunting for food. Off grid? Taking what you need to survive and preserving the rest? Respect.

"Amazing 30-inch spread!" Bite me.

Republicans against Trump -

Donald Trump is warning America that “Cognitively impaired” Biden will lead us into “World War Two” if re-elected.

You can’t make this shit up.

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Jeff - Not-Elon-Musk

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