@lifeinthePNW I'm sure they're helping by being sure to lay down quietly right behind you too.

You know, to catch you.

@TheCard corollary of the Law of Reappearance...If you're looking for something you're positive you have but can't find, you will NOT find it until you've purchased an identical item, and will reappear the moment you complete the task you needed the item for with the new item, making it ineligible for return.

@A_Jay_Adler "Damned media repeating what I said out loud in public! It's all YOUR fault I'm in this position!"

@GrumpyWolf I guess no one ever told that Photoshop operator that when you change someone's physique you shouldn't make them look like a composite person.

Remember, the same Republicans who are right now ousting their own Speaker are the very same folks who tried to hang their own Vice President.

I mean, look at what they do to their own. Imagine what they'll do to YOU.

@LnzyHou it was an epic failure of the US electoral system that's still causing harm. Look at the condition of Congress today? Long lasting for certain.

Qevin went down faster than Bobo in a Theater.

@lifeinthePNW I'm sure she'd do fine in the permanent seat as well. It'd be wonderful if she was able to cast a vote confirming Thomas' replacement; even better if she cast a vote at his impeachment.

Okay, "Enough" is officially on my reading list.

@CanisPundit there's the social responsibility portion of this as well. Not only are the chances of severe side effects much lower via the vaccine than via unprotected infection, it also drastically lowers the possibility of passing the virus to others who may be high risk and unable to vaccinate.

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Jeff - Not-Elon-Musk

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.