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Watching Andrea Mitchell and David Ignatius blabber about how Biden is too old to do his job just broke irony beyond repair.

I feel like we aren't supposed to remember that TFG and Jared Kushner thought or hoped that they could somehow steer Covid so that it would happen in primarily D states and districts and would mostly kill D voters.

Of course that didn't happen–if anything, the reverse–but it's not just the madness of the plot, but the inhumanity of trying to kill off the opposing party's voters that we should remember. It's like stochastic terrorism–stochastic genocide, if you will.

This morning's expected announcement is EXACTLY why the call to prevent Trump from running because he was impeached was a ridiculous argument. That sword cuts on both edges.

(The current 14th amendment call is a different matter).

Dr. Mike Davis 🌊



Hunter Biden has decided NOT to run for re-election, so now you can concentrate on creating legislation to actually help non-wealthy Americans!

Maybe just the budding adult angst that was part of my life when this arrived on the scene. Maybe the current climate influencing me.

Whatever the case, I'll be effed if this isn't STILL the most rockin' tune ever conceived.

@LnzyHou @Bobbelieu

Gotta luv it... I don't think I've posted a picture of TFG for several years but this warms my football heart 🤣

This is an older story, but still relevant. Facebook is still on the warpath using its proxy, American Edge Project, to keep Congress from passing common-sense regulation of the internet and social media. Make no mistake, Meta (Facebook's parent) is looking to control our Internet and social media experience with an iron fist.

@JV3MJD These pathetic excuses of living tissue couldn't breath in a mask during the epidemic, but gladly wear one if it will somewhat prevent them from losing their jobs while joining in a Nazi rally.

How can you say you're proud to be a Nazi if you won't share your face?


Unfortunately the others will likely still be delayed to next year.

Chesbro and Powell DEE-NIED!! No separation, and trial date held to 10/23.

Small Aside:
The opposite of Democracy is not Anarchy, it's a Dictatorship (or Monarchy).

The opposite of us all having a voice is only one person/group/class having a voice. The USA is not headed towards Anarchy, it's headed towards Oligarchy and Dictatorship.

Prime example of someone proving their assertion that "very few people know how to do it right" by promptly showing you how they do it WRONG! 🤣🤣🤣

I wonder if all the MAGAs who are doubtless making all sorts of fun of the misery being endured by the folks at Burning Man have considered that the no-government atmosphere there and the no-social-services world they're experiencing on the Playa is EXACTLY what conservatives have been voting to enable for decades.

Last month, I missed 2 weeks of work because I caught . I hope that all the people that hate masks and vaccinations have enough money or sick leave saved for being out of work.

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Jeff - Not-Elon-Musk

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.