Hey MAGAs, this is what your tax dollars are being wasted on. There is NO SIGNIFICANT EVIDENCE of any impeachable offense by president Biden.


@Damobius Technically impeachment is a political act, so it doesn't actually really need evidence, or anything else for that matter, beyond a majority of votes in the House and sixty votes in the Senate. But yeah, this certainly proves that Republican'ts were fully projecting when they started bellyaching about "the weaponization" of the justice system by Democrats...


@TheRealKenInMN @Damobius

At the heart of all of it is “you impeached our guy so we’re going to impeach yours” — simple Tit for Tat gamesmanship.

The problem is it is a waste of Congress’ time since there are not enough votes to convict.

It’s all performance theater.

Sound and fury signifying nothing.

@feloneouscat @Damobius The other way to look at it is that if they are wasting their time on quixotic impeachment attempts they can't spend that time making things worse for the rest of us...

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