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Hey MAGAs, this is what your tax dollars are being wasted on. There is NO SIGNIFICANT EVIDENCE of any impeachable offense by president Biden.

Oh Symone why, WHY are you giving a dirtbag like Ramaswamy oxygen? "Climate change CULT?" Please, don't give them any more room to pollute the conversation that needs to be had by adults.

Dear newbies. We don't fuck around here. Come here with your bullshit, or worse with child porn, and not only will you be a grease stain, but your IP will be reported to police.

Thanks for coming to my fucking TED Talk.

There's several forms of self moderation here to cultivate your experiences.
*Block, which removes their posts and keeps them from interacting with you.
*Mute, which removes their content from your feeds but they can still interact with you.
*Filters, which you can filter by hashtag, or keyphrases/words from seeing that specific content on your feeds, the public feeds anywhere else you don't want to see THAT showing up.

Block as needed, it's self care!


Road not closed so its okay?
"Turn around don't drown!"
In large scale flood events authorities don't have the resources to monitor and close every single road that's flooded! Use common sense. If flooded just turn around. And don't drive around barricades in place.

Good LORD! Fani is NOT fekkin' around!! She nabbed ALL of 'em (except the senators and the congresspeople, that is)!!

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Jeff - Not-Elon-Musk

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.