Think about this, 80 yr old E. Jean Carroll is braver than the Republican House, Senate, Iowa Caucus, and Republicans. One lone woman who will not be bullied like all of the GOP who is afraid of a 77-year-old bone spur rapist.

your free to delete me whatever your real name is but this site is as small-minded as any others as this thiese exchanges are proof, I was merely pointing my observation when you tried to turn it into a fight. you don't see me posting on other sites about your bullshit.

This was the first site I signed up for in an effort to leave Twitter. I signed up for 7 others also. I'm disappointed in this one. There are a lot of good people I have interacted with here but not enough compared to other sites with less time spent. Thanks for your thoughts interaction and friendship. Signing off this site for a while to spend time developing the others.

Norm Clark boosted

@normsmusic I love the community. The people, here, feel like family to me 💕 I also appreciate that this platform has a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts, trolls and disinformation networks. I feel safer , here, than on any other platform.

Does anyone use this site and if you do tell me why you like it.

No Labels sues Arizona to block opponents from using the new political party to run for office

Republicans reject expanding interim speaker power as Jordan backtracks

Check out this article from @nytimes. Because I'm a subscriber, you can read it through this gift link without a subscription.

Check out this article from @nytimes. Because I'm a subscriber, you can read it through this gift link without a subscription.

Will Jimmy Dolittle Jordon, the never to be speaker become another Kari Lake loser and go on tours to raise money on how Democrats stole his election as speaker?

Warning Harsh Language.

Two Hundred Republican House members voted for Jim Jordon an insurrectionist who tried to overthrow our republic. What the fuck is wrong with them. And what is wrong with the Republican population who want to end our democracy? To them, I say get the fuck out of our country if you don't like it. Our democracy has been here before you for 247 years. This plague started with the Tea Party and has metastasized under Donald Trump. Let's cut this cancer out.

Norm Clark boosted

Word of the day, *sua sponte

The judge said if you break this gag order, I may not wait for a complaint to act on it or by, finning you, putting an ankle bracelet on you, more criminal charges, or revoking your bail where you will stay in jail until the end of your trial

*Latin for "of one's own accord; voluntarily." Used to indicate that a court has taken notice of an issue on its own motion without prompting or suggestion from either party.

I believe Trump is setting up a diminished capacity defense by his verbal outbursts and loony toon babbling about running against Obama. To garner more sympathy from his followers to overthrow the government if he is convicted before he is sent to jail. What say ye?

Soon there will be No One left to tell the other side of
the story. I am not talking about an Alternate Reality. This is a fair and balanced assessment.

@MSNBC has become the internment camp 2023 for Muslim hosts

@AliVelshi @mehdirhasan @AymanM

. Trump made it OK for the networks to openly hate Muslims.

Norm Clark boosted
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Norm Clark

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.