@LiberalLibrarian That gave me a good laugh! 🤣

Man, I just don't get the whole "truck balls" thing - why would someone even want that on their truck? It's so dumb.

@LiberalLibrarian bahahaha, not even ballsy enough to have the correct color😂 ..... doesn't understand science

@LiberalLibrarian Ack! @th3j35t3r I did NOT mean to report this post. My finger was on one part of the screen near the hamburger dots and Report and all it's sub menus seem to have been all lined up under the same spot.

For the record this was funny as shit and I plan to share it with my trans friends. 🤣🐺

@TBBW1 @LiberalLibrarian @th3j35t3r I've wondered if there's an Unreport button. I guess not.😥

On the bright side at least it's Jester looking at reports with human judgement. Much as I like Alfred I'm glad he's not the one discerning the difference, say, between playful sarcasm and child endangerment.

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