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Today I’m coining a new word: Bullyionaire.

Definition: An ultra-rich person who buys influence specifically to cause harm to powerless people to assuage their pitiful lack of self worth.

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Lee (He/Him/NotLateForDinner)

About me:
Gay (Relentlessly)
Geek (since before there were home computers, and when computers were the size of homes)
Gray (but OK, even though I'm a Boomer)
Spicy (both in my food preferences, and my takes.)
Relentless (No time for bigots.)
Cat Dad (to 2 fine kittehs)
Reef Keeper
Cister to Trans People

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has become

First they came for women's bodily autonomy.

Then they came for the transgender and nonbinary.

Then they came for the drag queens, gays and lesbians.

Then they came for the history teachers.

Then they came for the vaccinated.

Then they came for the bloggers.


(with apologies to Martin Niemöller)

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How to win at :

* Pet Pics, lots of them
* Bad puns, Dad Jokes
* Hot takes on TV shows especially
* Food Pron
* More Pet Pics
* friendly posts, and being nice

How to lose at :

* We don't whip out and measure our follower counts.
* Nothing but sales pitches. That's what FB is for.
* Nudes, especially without using a content warning, and even then.
* Nothing but without using the hashtag
* Posting your Puzzle Scores without

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Pro Tip: If you want to avoid recreating the twitter site, instead of amassing followers, pick a few like minded folks from your interests out of the feed and just enjoy hanging out.

They'll help you find others and pretty quickly you'l have a nice little comfy group.

While J keeps us safe from trolls, we can also keep ourselves happy by just enjoying our interests and letting the rest roll by in the firehose.

For any minority X, the odds are that "X for Trump" is actually "Someone who has so much money/power that being X doesn't disadvantage them for Trump" because they'd happily sell out any other Xes for Money and Power.

Someone asked the Devil if Donald Trump was the anti-christ.

The Devil, smiling broadly, answered honestly.

"No, dear, I sent the anti-christ a long time ago now, and you people are still reading her books and follow her ridiculous philosophy!"

"Who is that?" The poor human asked.

"Why Ayn Rand, of course!"

-- Udummass book 1 chapter 1 paragraph 3

Never having used the Google Play store, I am interested to know how you flag a comment there.

I’m going to hate myself for this but we could go with “flaggots” for the complainers.

Damnit. How is it fair that the two beefy boys are calling themselves the power bottoms on Top Chef and neither are gay.

Did we ever find out where Injustice Thomas was when he went missing last week?

is gender affirmation, which can lead to joy for cis folks, too.

None of us is free until all of us are free.

Just remember folks, if they rule incorrectly, Biden is free to open some seats on the Supreme Court with Seal Team 6. 😮‍💨

I’m we have to listen about Stormy and the mushroom quickfire, and now oral from SCOTUS?

If I were gonna run a psyop it would be to convince the MAGA heads and QAnon believers that the greatest threat to their success was the imposters in their ranks not the “Democrats.” The Democrats are easy to spot and wouldn’t be listened to, but those infiltrators are much more dangerous and need to be found and dealt with quickly.

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Gandalf the Relentlessly Gay

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.