
Pro Tip: If you want to avoid recreating the twitter site, instead of amassing followers, pick a few like minded folks from your interests out of the feed and just enjoy hanging out.

They'll help you find others and pretty quickly you'l have a nice little comfy group.

While J keeps us safe from trolls, we can also keep ourselves happy by just enjoying our interests and letting the rest roll by in the firehose.

Also on the plus side, there's no algorithm that's going to boost you if you have more followers.

You're either in the Friends Feed or you're not, everything else is chronological in the fire hose.

@sfleetucker so many great tools already baked in. Poke around, learn how to use them. We build the sandcastles - the experience here can be anything you want it to be. Kinda like a choose your own adventure

@sfleetucker I just figured out how to unpin the firehose. Feels less anxiety-provoking already.

@sfleetucker Total gratitude, that was my biggest gripe on the bird app

@sfleetucker Sadly I have found that I need to remove the Community Firehose from my sightline and focus just on hashtags and individuals.

@thewebrecluse @sfleetucker that's what a lot of us do. Don't worry. :)

Unless there's an influx, I just kinda let firehose speed on by. I don't pay too much attention to it.

But it's worth keeping an eye on periodically, especially once it calms down in here a little bit!

I'm following everyone who drops me a star, which I hope reminds me to return the favor, or quietly prune back the cringe as needed.

@sfleetucker I don't THINK this posted. If it did, apologies. I'm going to post similar to my main feed also.

Relying on Friends of Friends, following reliable info sources, watching citations, & curating HARD is how I kept Twitter usable. I learned that long ago (Usenet/AOL/LJ), had it reenforced (G+), honed it (Disqus), and it worked to keep Twitter worth using.
Here we go with CS.
I remind myself daily to NOT be the guy in this XKCD panel.

@sfleetucker I usually stick to the people on my followers feed, but once in a while I see a post on the firehose that piques my interest.

@Oma_Trisha I love the firehose, but generally folks like to build up a set of friends and hang out there. There's a starting problem though of finding those folks to make friends with. :)


I was going to boost this but noticed that I already did a while back 😊👍

Really useful input!!


I do that too for messages that feel important to me. It took me years to get over the weirds of self-boosting 😆

@Minholkin I figure public service announcements aren’t really self boosting.


Oh that’s helpful and I hadn’t considered it from that lens!! Thank you! It’s not like I’m boosting a post about my shoes or some personal happy news—it’s usually an invitation to gratitude or an alternate perspective 💙

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