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This is the scariest thing you will read on our election system and russia.

2016: The attack on America’s election infrastructure | by Jennifer Cohn | May, 2022 | Medium

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Kind of day
Watch "When The Levee Breaks feat. John Paul Jones | Playing For Change | Song Around The World" on YouTube

Thank you for CoSo. For all the bells and whistles. But mostly, today, for CoSo calls.
To be able to connect across the atlantic is amazing.

CoSoCall Is a free to use benefit here at CoSo. Any pro member can start one. And anyone else, pro or not pro, even people outside of coso can join in...

Go to website, far right column, click on "Start a COSOCall Conference"

Works great.
Thx @corlin for the instructions

The United Kingdom is facing dire food shortages, forcing prices to skyrocket, and experts predict this is only the beginning.

What's happening?
According to a report by The Guardian, extreme weather is wreaking havoc on crops across the region. England experienced more rainfall during the past 18 months than it has over any 18-month period since record-keeping began in 1836.

Time to straighten up my mask and meet the day.
May you find some joy in your day.

Tornado Iowa...y'all okay?
Alert is off now but looked terrifying.

Best summary of the soap opera 'As the constitution burns' this week.

Can the President steal the election?

Gorsuch: We are incapable of determining whether he would be doing so corruptly.

Kavanaugh: Well, no law specifically prohibits THE PRESIDENT from doing so.

Alito: IF we tell him he can't, he'll kill more people when he steals the election.

Roberts: If he steals it from Democrats, then, yes.

@SpaceSlothForever I know how that feels. And the imbalance caused by suddenly depriving the Brain from the chemical intake plus all other things you´re dealing with- must be devasting.. I f you think an alert via dm would help -let me know : i´VE
done that once or twice for others here too. @Mauve_matelot

@LnzyHou Yeah - zero oversight there- self anointed free speech defenders, cant even police their own platform.

See @Render , as he moves mountains just to get them to follow their own guidelines and TOS.

its exhausting to say the least.

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🌸 dragonfly🌸

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.