
Kind of day
Watch "When The Levee Breaks feat. John Paul Jones | Playing For Change | Song Around The World" on YouTube

@damselfly59 @lilyunsub

Holy Shit....John Paul Jones and Derek the girl from NZ's Got Talent...Mihirangi 🤯

MIHIRANGI - Make That Soul (Official Video Clip)

@killagator @lilyunsub 💜
Beautiful! Loved all the smiles intro.
Must be something in the water down there

One of my get me through the day fall backs.
Here's another to make up for it being monday💗
Watch "Xavier Rudd - We Deserve To Dream (Official Music Video)" on YouTube

@damselfly59 wow wow wow. I have never heard of him and this was just so wonderful. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you sharing this. 😭

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