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Russia has released its 2nd echelon troops from Belarus for another push on Kyiv tonight (Ukraine time).

The Ukrainians know that they're coming.

Artillery prep fire has already begun...

Sound of small arms fire around the city. That'll be the Spetsnaz troops trapped last night.


Armed civilians with itchy trigger fingers.

Ukrainian Air Force chief says they have shot down a Russian IL-76 transport plane with paratroopers on board south of Kyiv.

No images, evidence or independent confirmation of the above at the moment.

It would be a change in Russian tactics if so. Thus far all Russian ABN troops landed in Ukraine have arrived by helicopter.

The Russians were spotted on satellite massing a new group of transport and gunship helicopters in Belarus.


Key bridge outside of Odessa blown up by Ukr defenders.

No word (yet) of Russian movement along any of the previous axis of attack.

1:55am Ukraine time. Light rain and 37F temps.

Heavy fighting reported near Vasylkiv south of Kyiv, where Russia is trying to set up a landing force.

This is in the same area as the claimed Il-76 shoot down.

(At the cross marker on the map.)

For those folks who were wondering how Ukraine's air force was flying after their airfields were blown up or cratered.

They don't need airfields or runways. All they need is a long enough straight stretch of highway and some trees to hide the planes.

Ukrainian light armored units seen on the move in the city of Sumy.

USAF CAP flights over Poland with F-35A's and F-15E's.

USAF/USN CAP flights over Romania with F-35's, F-16's, and F/A-18's.

RAF Typhoons up over Poland.

Lots of aerial tankers in the air, mostly for the Romanian CAP flights.

I'm assuming that both nations are also running their own CAP flights with their own F-16's.

‘According to a Ukrainian official, Zelensky has not directed his own security services to remove him to a safe city, such as Lviv, although they stand ready to do so.’

Heavy fighting at numerous points around Kyiv and its western suburbs. CH-6 power station, and the zoo among others. Russian ABN troops committed in at least two locations.

The Ukrainians are giving them hell everywhere.

Still not seeing a lot of reporting of major fighting in the rest of the country.

So far all of the Russian troops committed to taking Kyiv tonight seem to be ABN and Spetsnaz.

These are professional contract soldiers, some with years of combat experience in places most people never heard of. In several locations Spetsnaz are reportedly in stolen Ukr uniforms or civilian clothes.

At least some of the Ukrainian regulars committed to the defense of Kyiv are Special Forces, some also with long combat records.

It appears that Google maps is able to track some of the progress of the battle of Kyiv in certain areas via traffic jams.

(gawddamn smart phones)

Right map red arrow not indicative of progress, only direction.

This (red marker) is the area were the 1st para plane reputedly went down.

There is a Ukrainian air base near there. It may still have functional air defense systems.

There is heavy fighting in that area as well, against Russian ABN troops.

Seeing video of Russian BMD ABN APC's burning or burned out in two other locations. Dunno if those are from tonight or yesterday.

4:30AM Ukraine time.

Ukrainian govt reports that they've stopped the Russian offensive on Peremohy Avenue towards the city center (red arrow map above).

4:40am Ukraine time.

Ukrainian govt reports that they have repelled the airborne assault on Vasylkive air base SW of Kiev.

Reports that Ukr has blown up the "Victory" bridge in Kyiv.

Not sure which of the 8 bridges across the Dnieper that is, or if it's another bridge in the Kyiv area all together.

Heavy fighting along the east bank of the lower Dnieper at Kherson.

Russian Naval Infantry trying to take the dam bridge and power station again.

Kharkiv Tank Factory on fire and tank battles around the Kharkiv ring road.

Russian 1GTA making another push.

5:10am Ukraine time.

Dawn at 6:15am Ukraine time.

(I don't like seeing this in the "news" even when it comes from an official Ukrainian govt source.)

Large truck convoy carrying ammunition and arms from Poland crossed into Ukraine.

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@Render 🇺🇦💪🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

@Render one of those moments I hold two emotions at once…and this is the way

@Hobyrim @Render the ghost might not even be one pilot. Rather an idea. And it's a hopeful one.

@Render You called that it would be hell for the RU Paras. Seems you were right. If confirmed, of course.

@Render would you say they're pretty much on their own? Haven't seen anything about action with nato forces or other

@Render Isn't fighting while wearing the enemy uniform a war crime?

@rewerty Yes, it very much is. It's also an instant death sentence in most armies for any enemy caught doing so.

@Render any news on the chechen soldiers on their way?

It was nice not hearing any Allahu Akbars...

@Bemet_Or Supposedly they joined DNR/LNR militias on the Mariupol front. But nothing has happened there of note since then.

@ketchup9080 Trading space for time, but still holding that space, for now.

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@Render It's 3:18am in the UK and I can't sleep. But I must try. God Speed Ukraine

@rewerty Ditto. Having a milky drink and trying again. Sleep well.


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@Render this is not information you want the enemy to know. Why the efff are they broadcasting that?

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