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I'm more like Candy Corn.
I have a point, but nobody cares.

@XSGeek @JustJenisms

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First toot from me! Came here at @wilw 's advice, but didn't sign up till I checked it all out. Thanks Wil for pointing me here, and to @th3j35t3r for creating what will be a very special place. Heading to sleep now, but I look forward to making the world, and Cyberspace, better. A little bit at a time. One ? However: any way to post cross-platform to other social media?

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Sort of. is letting phone calls go to voicemail to decide if you can handle a conversation with a specific person or not today. It's refusing to pick what you want to eat for dinner because you're afraid to anger those eating with you. It's feeling your chest tighten at being asked by a friend to tell a funny story to someone new. It's waiting till a doorway is clear or deferring to the person coming from the other side, to avoid a confrontation. Same in traffic.


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Yes and yes. Ask people who live in Canada about wait times for treatment. Ask Dennis Detwiller (an incredible artist I know, did work for Magic: the Gathering and Delta Green among other things) He moved there just before Lord Dampnut took over.

@LilMaggie15 @estherschindler @Oldguyaz

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@Heucuva8 Saddened but not surprised. I fear we will see more of measles along with mumps and polio. ๐Ÿ˜ž


"Fucking hell" is about right, too ... do they do anything else there?


I'd have to ask them to define what "actual bread" is vs untoasted toast... with pictures.

@Heucuva8 This is like the "what colour is that shirt"
"Dark white"
"No, it's grey"


people like this are going to be in charge for the next 50 years...


I'm sorry, no one that dumb is capable of operating technology necessary to post it ~ this has to be some kind of $hitpost/performance art....

@Heucuva8 I think someone drank too much coffee and hurried the ending to get to the bathroom

On my way to work this morning, there was a DOT sign that said:


Can someone explain that last line to me?

Someone online said that Trump having a special edition of the Bible for sale was a "cause for concern".

My response was:

"I mean, to be honest, "Cause for Concern" happened almost 10 years ago and nobody noticed it. The Trump Bible thing is really just microplastics in the ocean -- tiny and insignificant, yet collectively make up the entirety of the Problemโ„ข."

They said "That was such a beautiful but depressing metaphor."


Someone online said that Trump having a special edition of the Bible for sale was a "cause for concern".

My response was:

"I mean, to be honest, "Cause for Concern" happened almost 10 years ago and nobody noticed it. The Trump Bible thing is really just microplastics in the ocean -- tiny and insignificant, yet collectively make up the entirety of the Problemโ„ข."

They said "That was such a beautiful but depressing metaphor."


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๐Ÿ’€ Daddy Bones ๐Ÿ’€

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