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walterbays boosted

“The final cost estimate of the project per megawatt was around 250 percent more than the initial per megawatt cost for the 2,200 megawatts Vogtle nuclear power plant being built in Georgia, US.”

Bottom line? Small nukes ARE STILL bad for power generation.

Guess who thinks it’s a GREAT idea?

Greg Abbott. Because of course he did. Never mind Texas is the LEADER in green energy. Abbott is an awful human being.

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walterbays boosted
walterbays boosted

Happy on my lap after brushing.
Note the softening of his eyes from cougar flat tops to house panther rounds 🤣🥰😻🥰🤣

Allie regards Fireball with her usual skepticism.
Neighbors may wonder at me taking walks with a cat. It's not my choice. I go a ways and Fireball springs out of the bushes to wrap himself around my ankles. Walking becomes slower then, with frequent stops for chin rubs.

walterbays boosted

US-UK making progress towards dock-pier-causeway to open maritime corridor into Gaza capable of delivering 2 million meals per day; Parachute airdrops by 9 countries have brought some 1,200 tons of food into north Gaza, despite condemnation by Hamas.
A strategy that is so blinded by hatred of Biden as to enable Netanyahu's hopes for a second Trump presidency is self-destructive and suicidal, and plays into the hands of Russian, Chinese, Iranian, and other totalitarian manipulation.

walterbays boosted

:trollsplat: can take seconds or hours we all should remember :jester: has a life outside CoSo

Subtooting about accounts that spam or troll etc....kinda encourages them and also they then think they are winning

If a :trollsplat: doesn't happen within a few minutes just block and move on don't feed them by posting about them 🤷‍♂️ yes this post will be troll food also

And for your sake never click the URLs from such accounts

Anyhooooo don't feed them like me 😆

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Utah trolled with 4,000 hoax reports of trans bathroom ban violations within days of reporting form launch

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walterbays boosted

Ohhhh Snap!

Kaitlin Collins: So you agree that people who break in and vandalize a building should be prosecuted?

J.D. Vance: "Exactly."

Collins: I’m just checking because you did help raise money for people who did so on Jan. 6th.

Trial ends as Trump confesses in his sleep.

"The courtroom was dumbfounded to hear Trump issue not only a complete confession but also a complete sentence"

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walterbays boosted

For anyone who can’t recognize the differences between the January 6th insurrection and ongoing campus protests, good news. There’s actually a book to help you sort things out.

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But people apparently won't do this simple thing. I can't see the point. It's not like they're in a war for territory or need a particular location. Anyplace is a good place to protest. They can even notify the press five minutes beforehand. In fact, the more places they could show up, the more attention they'll get, and the more mystified the police will be.

That is, if the purpose is publicity for the nominal cause. If the purpose is to create images of violence, obviously it's not so good.

walterbays boosted

Protests ‘24. Who wins? The GOP. They are going to run commercials featuring the worst scenes from these protests and say “this is what happens when we let liberals indoctrinate our kids on college campuses…” The rest of us lose.

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How can all of these GOP election thieves who have been indicted for being part of the GOP’s conspiracy to steal the 2020 election, now be part of the GOP’s 2024 election integrity project with impunity? I smell voter intimidation and suppression by another name. Don’t you think?

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If SCOTUS immunity for President passes, couldn’t Biden just do as he pleases?

Are they betting that Democrats will be the decency party? That they will never be as problematic as Republicans?

Because if so, I have some history I’d like them to read.

(Rhymes with manatee ball)

walterbays boosted

Catch 22 is real.
"In early 2021, Trump’s lawyers said during his second impeachment trial that there was no need for the Senate to convict the former president, because the matter was better left to the judiciary.
In early 2024, Trump’s lawyers said the former president’s alleged crimes can’t be left to the judiciary, because the Senate didn’t vote to convict."

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