
Louder, for those in the back:
A lot of people are being played.

Occupy Democrats, Palmer Report, AlterNet, Wonkette, etc. They are the left equivalent of Newsmax, Fox News, OAN, Federalist et al. All are hyper-partisan outrage mills who misrepresent or exaggerate facts to gain page views which equals money.

Just because it matches with your political views doesn't mean it's accurate. Think for yourself, and dig deeper on your sources.

Hey, if you want to see the above post screenshot on the bird on a thread showing why CoSo is bad or whatever:

@voltronic I know I never liked Palmer report but too much of A Pollyanna to me.

@voltronic why is jimmy dore far left?
the man pushed don't vote and boo medicare for all when it fit his agenda. last I checked his is milk toast centrist

I never even heard of him before I saw him on this chart.

@voltronic he was known as some big journalists that during the Iraq war. But know he claims to be a comedian that cried and complained that AOC would not go on his pod cast. He has been pushing anti voting, centrist talking points since

Well he sounds like an asshat either way. It's possible he flipped tactics for grifting purposes. Sarah Kenzidor did.

@TheVoid @voltronic

He used to be a far left whack job.
Now he is like Tulsi Gabard, the horseshoe theory in real life.

@TheVoid @voltronic

By the way, in my first reading of this, I missed the centrist part.

By the way, Jimmy Dore is not even close to a centrist, but I am... and no way any real moderate or centrist Democrat would ever tell people not to vote.

@Jene_Sais_Quoi @voltronic
Going off of US centrist vs world centrist. Alot of what would be consider right afilatated use the banner of centrist. Example Tim pool

@TheVoid @voltronic

Ohhh you live in Europe?

I live in Sweden… I’m a Social Democrat.

@Jene_Sais_Quoi @voltronic

No I am from the US
But its very obvious with how capitals the US is, it makes all of our stuff lean more right compared to the rest of the world

@voltronic That is not true. Those depictions consistently place Reuters and AP at the apex, but both of those sources are routinely to the right in their decisions about what to cover and how to cover it. Yes, think for yourself, but do NOT imagine that someone has a vested interest in fact-based coverage alone.

Do you have a source that shows Reuters and AP are right leaning? There are other media bias reporting sites, and they all have those two close to center.

@voltronic Hey, you know, I’d like to back up a moment if you are willing. My reaction was purely to that graphic which I see used as a source of false equivalency on the regular. I agree with what you said about Palmer et al being a force for badness; I just don’t think they are as evil as the supposed equals on the right.

Appreciate that. I am taking my cues from Ad Fontes and Media Bias Fact Check among others, but you're far from the only person who takes issue with this chart.

Saying they're bad but not "as evil" is an interesting position. I wonder if you would feel the same if your political views were at the other end of the spectrum?

I think extremism hurts all of us, no matter where it comes from.

@voltronic I think doing wrong for profit is different than doing wrong to subvert democracy. There’s injury, and then there’s mortal wounding; the difference matters to me.

@Boyceaz @voltronic Reuters maybe but not the AP. Honest reporting covers both sides.
AllSides Media Bias Rating for AP: Lean Left

@DocLaing Honest reporting doesn’t unquestioningly accept biased framing. I catch AP doing that on the regular in their hourly news briefs in SiriusXM radio.


I don’t listen to that. Is it one reporter in particular, or more?
Is it his own opinion or are they quoting?

@DocLaing It’s multiple on-air news readers, but who knows who writes the copy. And it’s NOT opinion, it’s presented as pure fact-based reporting but within a biased framework. I’ll give you some examples as I listen tomorrow.

@voltronic this is one reason why I won’t miss Twitter. A lot of hyper-partisan trash (on the left and right) was able to flourish in that eco-system.

Twitter going far-right probably won’t help that side much (Truth actually seems to be gaining ground to be the new far-right platform). But it will hurt the hyper-partisan “progressive media” outlets/opinion columnists. I won’t be sad if a lot of them fade away into obscurity.


Not that anyone asked, but I'm fiercely proud of the fact my twitter account is (was?) blocked by Palmer Report, Sean Hannity, and Larry the Cable Guy.

(followed by President Obama & Senator Cory Booker. Toot, and also, toot.)


PS - to be precise, I meant Palmer blocked my other twitter acct (only 2 since '09), that I set up for gaming but it got shutdown because I, well, said hurtful things in a dark period of my life but enough overshare.

What I wanted to say was, as of tonight, both my accts are officially blocked

@voltronic Please, please use some common sense. Any political chart that equates Rachel Maddow with Fox News is either blatantly ignorant or lying. Please, whatever you do, NEVER spread this crap

@justsaywhy look carefully. fox on the web is close factually to maddow. but fox new channel itself is listed much lower down in the tinfoil hat region.

the media bias chart isn't a bible, but a guide.

@nl37tgt Thanks for the reply, Target. Looking, "carefully," at the chart shows Fox (web), the Blaze, and Fox & Friends on the same level as Maddow. Not only is this not gospel, this chart is garbage and does not reflect reality. This chart seems to treat negative lies on the right equal negative but accurate reporting on the left

@justsaywhy it's a significantly compressed chart with not much of a range between one point and another and not much of a scale to gauge things.

you also have to figure that things are averaged out over a timescale of probably a year of reporting and broadcast opinion.

those you cited are definitely lower in factual reporting than maddow in the chart if you scribe a line.

tis why i stick to NPR, AP and Reuters if i really want to know something. but maddow is fun to watch too.


I wonder if there's an updated version of that chart with more than 1 axis.

There's an interactive version on their website if you create an account.

You’re famous! 😁
Palmer is EXHAUSTING, btw. Headache inducing.

@voltronic quite a measured POV, I absolutely agree with the smear factories and how they deceive, exagerate and lie for clicks

@voltronic The people on the left, for some reason, don't want to admit that they're subjected to the same sort of propaganda the Trumpers are subjected to. We are. The sooner we admit that, the better armed we will be to refute the Trumpers' BS.

@voltronic have any facts to support that claim?
Those right wing networks have corporate sponsorship, whereas the blog sites don't and therefore have to ask for donations to continue
If that's your objection, you need to take that into consideration.

@voltronic yeeeeah.
Putting Rachel Maddow where they did shows a certain bias on their part

@voltronic yes, I realized this when I would call out OD to name sources for their more outrageous claims and they refused. The claims could not be found anywhere, or were spurious exaggerations which we would call lies if the other party did them.


In looking at skews left in the second category down I realize that I rarely read a story from them without finding the link to the original, local news story and reading that for the actual reporting.

@voltronic Yes! And a reminder that CNN has since made a sharp turn to the right under new ownership this year (after this chart was made), and that Reuters has some ties to Russian TASS that has made it less trustworthy regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

I actually had forgotten about the Reuters TASS business. Thank you.

@voltronic and unfortunately the TASS connection affects AFP (Agence France-Presse) too.

Ugh. That's one of the few news orgs I enjoyed following on the bird.

@voltronic same, they had some great photographers covering the wildfires in California too.

@voltronic @peeppeepcircus I might have this wrong,but I thought I read that Reuters had severed their connection with TASS right after the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine

@voltronic @Mendips62 I *thought* I had also seen Reuters spread Tass reporting on Ukraine more than once since March, but following the war for 9 months is a lot.


people have been played since humans "bought Their belief" of separation

@voltronic Interesting. I never realized BET is considered a reputable news source. When I was growing up it was music videos and movies. I personally like ABC, but I am curious who put this graphic together and whether it’s credible?

@voltronic Interesting read on how and why these charts are made BUT that it’s always good to have healthy sense of professional skepticism, which is typically the overarching point here.

Great article. My trust for All Sides and Ad Fontes went up after reading that.

Good point at the end about reliability being at least as important as bias.

@voltronic It's beyond ridiculous, since the reality is actually pretty compelling, just not so twitchy. And annoying because most mainstream media generally carries water for GOP, either because the both-sides narrative generates money or the owners are big money Republicans or both.

Who would've predicted that the 24-hour news cycle would lead to a paucity of solid news reporting? 😩

@voltronic Daily Mail: middle 😂😂😂😂
Anyone who thinks a rag that supported Hitler and hasn't changed much since, vilifies immigrants, spews hatred like it breathes, is "middle" has a totally warped view of politics.

I assume that this chart was produced by Americans, whose politics are totally warped anyway.

I would be interested to see evidence of eg. OccupyDemocrats misrepresenting/exaggerating facts to the extent that Fox News (or even the Daily Mail!) does, let alone Newsmax and OAN.

@voltronic Yes, all of this! Don't fall for the BS from EITHER end of the spectrum.

@voltronic You are absolutely right. The only one Ivtake at face value is Maddow. She does her homework.
I need to know the I find out myself. Glenn Kirshner is very credible to me. Laurence Tribe is a God. And I friends that are lawyers.
I've been doing this a very long time. When Jester says something...I believe him. Jamie Raskin. Sen Booker.

@voltronic If you look at the vertical axis of this chart, labelled "News Value and Reliability", you will see that "Analysis" is considered to lower a source's score as much as "High Variation in Reliability", and "Opinion" is even lower.

It is possible to express outrage at the news without misrepresenting facts, yet the Media Bias Chart does not find any value in that distinction.

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