I encourage everyone to toss a few dollars at the pot. I did.
Have got a 'tech for social good' project that you'd like to do in Europe (incl UK!)?
My colleagues at the Centre for Public Impact have a challenge fund programme which might be of interest... https://impactchallenge.withgoogle.com/techforsocialgood
Have got a 'tech for social good' project that you'd like to do in Europe (incl UK!)?
My colleagues at the Centre for Public Impact have a challenge fund programme which might be of interest... https://impactchallenge.withgoogle.com/techforsocialgood
Hey to all the new folks,
I see a lot of people telling you to make CoSo your own personal experience but don't be X Y Z.
Here's the thing, just be your honest self and don't be afraid to make "mistakes" because everyone poops. Trust me, I've seen some drama here but overall people are people and adults. Have a laugh, lighten up, and you'll be fine. If you take everything personally you're probably the problem anyway. #StayLit 🔥🔥🔥
There are a lot of posts on the bird from new or potential new CoSo users saying that we're a left-wing social network.
I think that perception may come from the fact that a lot of new members seem to be of that political leaning, and feature it in their profiles. (See linked post below for my thoughts on this.)
Just to be clear: ALL are welcome here, so long as you are not trolling or supporting the overthrow of democracy. We can't be a place for just one group.
Hello, New to Counter Social but curious to see what it's like, and open to possibilities of new connections, conversations and learning. Interested in #systemsthinking #qualityimprovement #complexity #organisationalculture #design and much more 😁
CounterSocial does not yet support theming. If you want a light background with darker text, you'll need to use a browser plugin for that. We're hearing mixed results, but maybe start with Dark Reader. #CoSoTips
In a world where Companies keep salary secret, it's easy to underpay people, especially women and minorites. That world is ending - Welcome to Pay Transparency
Did you flee the bird? Want to tell everyone there that you're now hanging out here? I have just the thing for you!
Profile picture: https://share.counter.social/s/11ea40
Header: https://share.counter.social/s/d582f0
Things are destined to get a lot busier around here. It's inevitable. Some tips to keep us sane:
1. Mute or block anyone who harshes your mellow.
2. Welcome newcomers, report asshats.
3. Follow who you like. Post about what you like. That's how followings are made.
4. Turn off the Community Firehose if it ever overwhelms you.
5. There's a moment between authoring the post and posting the post. USE IT. If you post mean-spirited content, then we all look mean-spirited. See #1.
I know there are a LOT of posts here about what is happening with Twitter. I think it’s ok to let this happen. A lot of us had built a great community on that platform, and basically feel like it was ripped out of our hands and made completely vulnerable when Elon Musk took over.
I don’t want to dwell in the negative, but I think it’s good to mourn loss, and some of us feel legit sad about it. #RIPTwitter
I'm speaking at this virtual post-conference reflection session for Public Service Pioneers on 30th November: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/psp-afterword-podcast-release-tickets-401299837617
If #PublicManagement or #PublicAdministration is your thing, you might enjoy it.
We're 20% funded for November on day 1? That's Pretty Fecking Awesome!
Let's try getting fully funded THIS WEEK!
If you're new here: GO PRO! It really helps, and you'll totally dig the extra features!
As a refugee from that other platform, I’m going to try to find people through hashtags. So… #education #k12 #STEM #science #USeducation #NAEP #educators #teachers #superintendents #schoolboards
I understand we're living in this awful time where Ad Money pretty much rules the News, Internet and TV.
But this new thing where ads display DIRECTLY OVER written content and you can't get rid of them?
This is next level fuckery.
Are they trying to find out just HOW MUCH of a web page can actually be Ads?
Weird. I want to read your words, writers!
Are you a public service leader or manager? Are you fed up with the current inhumane and wasteful approach to public management/administration?
There's an alternative - it's called #HumanLearningSystems. It's built by public managers who want to help people create better outcomes in the complex reality of their lives.
Read more here: https://realworld.report/
On secondment as Professor in Public Management @ the Centre for Public Impact. Prone to talk about complexity. Recovering charity Chief Exec.