"What is this SANITIZER thing about, anyways?"
CounterSocial takes your security very seriously. Sanitizer does two things:
1. It scrubs all posted links of potentially identifiable metadata. (If you wish to preserve it, add "nosanitize" anywhere in the post text.)
2. It scrubs all uploaded media of all metadata, including orientation. This is why your photos sometimes show up sideways.
The sooner we understand change is certain, the easier it becomes to ride the waves of uncertainty.
The first rule of the Climate Emergency is that you talk about the Climate Emergency.
The second rule of the Climate Emergency is that you TALK about the Climate Emergency. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2022/11/17/how-religion-intersects-with-americans-views-on-the-environment/
@PaganMother Thank you for that explanation. I had guessed that might be the case.
I feel odd about the fact that I miss those notification icons. The artefacts of the attention economy really are powerful, aren't they?!
Talking Heads’ "Burning Down the House" seems appropriate with everything coming out of Twitter HQ right now
I don't get notifications of messages to me, follows etc on my mobile device. And no indication on the mobile interface that such things have happened (despite all the notifications boxes being checked)
Just checking I'm not doing it wrong somehow. Am I just incorrectly assuming that this works like the Twitter interface?
@CoSoTips @Kathy_Evans_51 some more helpful advice ...
@Kathy_Evans_51 Nice work! I've been giving all of social media a break until today. Just starting to get back to it.
First advice - watch the "community firehose" feed for a bit. See what/who interests you.
Second advice - introduce yourself. (Everyone sees all posts on the 'firehose' feed. If you say who you are, and what you're interested in, people will connect with you.
3rd - if you check out my profile, you might be able to see who I follow, and who follows me
PSA: If you're concerned about exposing credit/debit card info not just here, but ANYWHERE on the Internet, we — in the sense of me and J at least — recommend you check out https://privacy.com
You can create per-site virtual cards, one-use burners cards, set monthly, yearly, per-charge, or lifetime caps on them, and get notified by SMS and/or email anytime a charge is made to one.
We on CoSo know that our host is working devastatingly hard to accommodate the surge of users who seek a safe and constructive alternative to Tw.
We also know that nearly everyone—new users and old-timers—are working hard to greet and support arrivals and facilitate their transition.
So haters can try to grab attention by throwing shade at all of this beauty.
Keep doing your thing. Continue being awesome.
There really is no better reply than to make those folks irrelevant.
Lurking here on CoSo is a wonderful thing. If you are one who seldom posts, but enjoys reading, you are wanted and welcome. Posting in not required. You don't need to explain, nor in anyway feel less than, for lurking. In fact let's get rid of that word, and just say you are a reader.
All writers need readers. Reading is semi-miraculous act. And respect is due.
@ContentWarningVirusB42 @jag5081
That's "Fucking not Ducking" with their new single "Interest Rate Rise", from the album "Average People Suffer"
@kel bingo. Thank you.
On secondment as Professor in Public Management @ the Centre for Public Impact. Prone to talk about complexity. Recovering charity Chief Exec.