"What is this SANITIZER thing about, anyways?"
CounterSocial takes your security very seriously. Sanitizer does two things:
1. It scrubs all posted links of potentially identifiable metadata. (If you wish to preserve it, add "nosanitize" anywhere in the post text.)
2. It scrubs all uploaded media of all metadata, including orientation. This is why your photos sometimes show up sideways.
@CoSoTips so if I post a picture and unclick sanitize then it won't be upside down?
Asking for a friend.
@coolserenity make a small edit to the pic you want to post. Click the camera icon to post it. After it uploads, tap on the pic and a "preview" will appear. You'll be able to refocus the pic. I think this also works for upside down photos .
@Laura_47 thank you!
@coolserenity I hope it worked!
@CoSoTips Why is the text where it says "sanitizer" sometimes green and sometimes grey? (E.g. now it's green as I type this.)