
I'm going to pin this in the hope I don't have to explain here again.

I'm bisexual.

Always have been. Had boyfriends long before girlfriends came along.
My friends and family know but I don't advertise it much.
For the last twenty years, 18 married, I've been in a relationship with @Mauve_matelot
It's become mostly irrelevant to me because I am devoted to her.
I'm not ashamed and if reading this helps someone else, then I'm glad.
Big love to you all โค๏ธ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

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@stueytheround @Mauve_matelot Love is love!โค๏ธ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ

@stueytheround @Mauve_matelot youโ€™re not alone. Love is loveโ€ฆ as they sayโ€ฆ. Equipment has little to do with it because at any point in your life you can fall in love with someone.

@stueytheround @Mauve_matelot It makes you who you are. Everything shapes us. Sometimes people forget that there are others who choose a heterosexual relatonship. They never stop being bisexual. They just found the ideal partner in that part of the spectrum of sexuality. You love who you love.

I can guarantee you that there are others out there that are afraid. Seeing your post here, will help someone else find their own voice. ๐Ÿงก to you, my friend.

@stueytheround @Mauve_matelot
Wishing you both all the very best, and appreciate your honesty.

@stueytheround Heh. Do I count as bi if turns out my husband is actually intersex?

: )

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