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"All she needed was a D&C. They shouldn’t have given her that medication. It’s a simple procedure. We do this all the time in Nigeria."

Not in Texas.

Achievement unlocked: successfully cherry-picked a commit from a tracking branch.


aside: I am *always* amazed by how heavy car batteries are, even when I tell myself ahead of time "this is going to be crazy heavy".

As a long-time WashPost subscriber that dropped them this year, Bezos should suck my shvantz.

The threatened tariffs on imports by Trump are the beginnings of a corrupt shakedown of industry by government.
There will be exceptions granted, dependent on how much money a specific industry agrees to donate to Trump and his hangers-on.

FYI! Dog Treat Recall

While no illnesses have been reported, the company has initiated the recall as a precautionary measure to ensure consumer and pet safety.

Belligerent ghouls run Manchester schools.

I have that on good authority.

me: converting an ETL job to run on linux rather than windows.
me: gets sick of repeatedly finding places where I have backslashes instead of forwards
me: does a global replace in looking for \ and replacing with /

baffling errors ensue

turns out I had a bunch of regexes defined in that file.


Four years ago the Rs argued that you couldn't impeach Trump because it was the job of the courts to decide whether or not he was criminally guilty.

In two years they'll argue that he can't be impeached because, by definition, the president cannot commit a crime.

McConnell, Roberts, Trump, Alito, Thomas, Leonard Leo, Putin, Judge Canon, really like it when you blame Merrick Garland for not holding Trump accountable, and not the Supreme Court delaying and carving out an exception in the Constitution to make Trump above the law

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Roy #EatTheRich Pardee

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.