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Miss me (as the kids like to say) with that climate doomerism shit.

Never gonna just quit squirming and die--sorry to disappoint you.

@danalan @R3dH00d I'm gonna disagree that it's too late. There's absolutely time to take actions that will make things better. Switching to renewable energy is the first step.

@pr10n @LnzyHou

idea for recruiting ppl into my new religion:

Step 1: hang inverted pineapple on house.
Step 2: wait for the swingers to ring my doorbell
Step 3: proselytize the heck out of anyone who shows up

TODO: devise new religion

@pr10n I think that's only in that one horrible senior community down in FL. So unless you live there--I say risk it.

@chaddus2_0 Yeah, 100%. I am out of practice (if I was ever good at it) w/training...

My reward for cleaning out the fridge was the 8 oz of cooking wine left in the bottle.

Which niche interest would maximize my boringness/insufferablilityaciousness?

@MookyTroubadour Cruz, Cotton, DeSantis, Noem, Gaetz, Gosar...

They have a pretty deep bench of soulless unprincipled shameless fuckwads.

@nblumengarten awesome. Thank you for being a positive force in your community

@AlphaCentauri the thing that I find implausible is the idea that Dems would actually move to disqualify trump as an insurrectionist. Unfortunately, I don't think they have the stomach for that sort of McConnell-esque raw power move.

well, this is a fascinating idea.

Doesn't really feel safe to hope tho.

Beau of the fifth column: Let's talk about Ukraine, Johnson, and deterrence....

fresh back from a walk w/both dogs. Eowyn is really hard to handle when we pass other dogs. I had her lashed to my belt & there was no real danger I don't think, but it's stressful to have her jumping & carrying on around other dogs.

Gonna have to figure something out...

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