The Airstreams are arriving. Think we’ll have 40+ trailers at the rally. Good to see old friends.

Atomic batteries to power, turbines to speed…

Rodger, ready to move out.

Left the puppy in her playpen for 30 minutes, came back to this. She rolled it end over end across the room, and it ended upside down. 🤣

Zoey discovered blankets! She wouldn’t let us cover her before today, then all of a sudden, curled up under the covers.

Ok, here’s my spectacular 29% eclipse as seen through a strainer at peak 🤣🤣🤣!

I couldn’t pull this off, but it’s perfect for Billy, and anyone that shines as bright. Perfect if it happens during the eclipse!

This is my chewbone. There are many like it, but this one is mine…

Burger food porn Show more

Morning ‘Nauts!

Happy April! No fooling around here, just a clear day with a 1/2 moon over the field.

Have a wonderful Monday, and week!

Made two new dishes tonight, broccoli in garlic sauce, and red cooked pork belly (Hong Shao Rou). Will make both again, they we so good.

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