Wings! Is the game still on? Served sauce on the side, but 24 hour marinade in soy, oil, chili oil, garlic and ginger. So good, with and without sauce.

This turned out amazing. Spatchcock chicken with a head of garlic, lemon, rosemary and thyme, salt and pepper. Browned in the cast iron pan, then roasted at 400F until breast reaches 155F.
So much flavor, so simple!

Excellent New Year dinner. Butter chicken, Aloo beans, basmati rice and naan. Everyone is stuffed.

Happy New Year to all!

Rib roast up to room temp, slathered, and heading into the oven for 3 hours…

Since the shortribs were a bust, I made top blade steaks with a soy marinade, 4 hours in the sous vide. Medium rare, tender and delicious! Plus enough for sandwiches tomorrow.

Gonna be eating a lot of veggies after these holiday meals (we had a side salad with this steak)

Hello dinner! Well, after 72 hours in their sous vide bath. Short ribs are effortless, aside from checking the water level, and do so well with a very long cook.

As promised, eggnog French toast. Oh my, so glad I didn’t lose my sense of smell or taste with the plague!

What makes today special? LEFTOVERS!

First tradition, dressing waffles, with cheese, bacon, turkey, a fried egg, and Cranberry Dijon sauce on the side. A riff on a way more complicated Bobby Flay recipe.

And, after 3-1/2 hours, the Beef Bourguignon is served! Amazing how much flavor burst out with so few ingredients, and almost no spices.

Beef bourguignon has started its long simmer. Smells amazing in the house!

@rabbitroodle is making tuna casserole on this drizzly, rainy evening.

I've already gained 1.5Lbs just smelling and fantasizing about it.

Morning ’Nauts!

Made an almost perfect sausage egg & cheese bagel sandwich this morning. It will be a good Friday!

Last day of the heat wave today. For non-coastals, it might get up to nearly 90F again. That’s melting temp for us fogeaters.

Have a wonderful day!

Another hot day, so I made cold, spicy, sesame noodles!
Added some marinated tofu to be extra fancy.

Yum! Oyakodon and miso soup. The Oyakodon was my first, and turned out great!

The sandwich and picture came out so perfectly, I had to share. A Pastrami Ruben. It’s on wheat, didn’t have any rye bread, but otherwise it’s all there.

Totally missed the hashtag yesterday BUT here’s today’s dinner! 6 hour smoked spareribs, and baked/smoked beans.

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