
My theory on Musk's mid-term plan for Twitter:

1) Disrupt the "woke" world which thrives on Twitter

2) Convert Twitter into a micro-payment monetization website, effectively replacing PornHub, Substack, YouTube, and any other pay-per-view or subscription service.

He needs marks/volume to make this happen so he trolls liberals to keep them around, and strokes the egos and greed of right-wing "citizen journalists" in hopes that they will invest their efforts in his scheme.

Time will tell.

Everyone is complaining that Musk is really bad at running a social media website, but he's not interested in it remaining a social media site. He want to turn it asap into a e-commerce site and is hoping that current users are too addicted to their follower count to leave.

I get it. I walked away from 78,000 followers 18 days ago. I survived. Others will too.

@jjmacnab That is an interesting prediction. I could see this being not far off at all. Cool take.

@jjmacnab Cosmic Jr and I had this conversation the other day. We don't have many social media overlaps, but could not come up with a single "genius thought" of Elon's that hadn't been done and done well. Hard to see a path out, but that may bed the cold meds.

Time will tell, indeed.

@jjmacnab He started to talk about buying Twitter during early phase of Putin's war on Ukraine. Putin was facing a lot of criticism internationally and on social media. It wouldn't surprise me spreading Putin's narrative was also one of the objectives. Fox is the cable TV of the right wing propaganda. They need a social media one, since truth social is a failure.

@jjmacnab Follower numbers aren't what's important. I wish more realized that.

@jjmacnab He's purposely tanking it, blaming it on the former employees and users, just so he can start over with sycophants.

@jjmacnab Cosmic Jr kinda nailed it when he said that he was Elon's target demographic called, "Young, single men who make stupid money decisions based on peer pressure." 🤷🏻‍♀️

@jjmacnab I hope you cross post to mastadon too, at least reserve your name there so no one can start a fake one.

@jjmacnab Time is up. He can’t maintain this with a skeleton crew. Too many companies are hiring at better wages or comparable.

Musk has burned engineers. I told a company that said, “We expect our people to work on weekends,” that I had a partner and that I loved them more than the company — it never came up again.

I’ve seen dying businesses before — this one is dead.

He’s burned the reputation, the name, and the employees.

He’s turning it into Trump’s Truth Social.

@jjmacnab I'm also convinced he was sent to disrupt the liberal messaging that happens on that site. I used to spend plenty of time over there, but I could literally notice differences as soon as he took over. I fled about a week ago, and finally deactivated my account yesterday. I don't want to be any part of it any longer. Let it 🔥

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