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Did I sit down the moment this arrived and start immediately playing these songs?

Yes, dear reader, I did. I absolutely did.

Look, I may not be a fantastic piano player these days, but I’ve got some fabulous new material to practice to get back there. Can’t wait to dig in to over the next few days and plunk out these stunningly beautiful tunes.

One of the things I love about being a is that I almost always have things around to make into home made, healthy (ish) lunches during my work days.

Today I had some shrimp to use up, so grabbed a jar of sweet corn that I preserved this summer, some fresh basil from my aerogarden, & some veggie stock I made last week (with peels and ends that would have otherwise gone to compost) and whipped up a cozy corn and shrimp chowder. Doesn't photograph well but it's *delicious*.

Awww - a year ago we were featured on an episode of Accuracy Third: an oral history of Black Rock (). If you want to listen to us tell some of our favourite Burning Man stories, you can do that here 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 (we had a ton of fun).

Just packing up for our New Year's Day tradition: the annual viewing of with commentary by the legendary will commence tomorrow. Can't wait!

Jenneviere boosted

i hear a lot of men complain that women don't like short men. they don't find short men attractive. etc.

zelensky is just under 5'6. lots of women find him sexy as fuck. he's articulate, cares about his children, his people, his country. he has a great sense of humour & the man can dance.

so maybe, just maybe, it's not about height, eh? 🤔

My basil plant (in my - love that thing!) needed to be harvested, so I whipped up a quick but delicious lunch using it and some sundried tomatoes.

Later I'll be decorating cookies, but first, this lovely shrimp and some red wine.

Oh right. 'Tis the season for 'year in reviews'.

Right up there with Black Friday, this is a perfect time to unsubscribe from anyone who sends you a marketing email over the next few days (unless you truly do want to keep receiving them, of course).

Seriously, toilet paper subscription service: I do NOT need a year in review from you. Not at all.

Cookie baking has commenced. This is prepping for some delicious treats to take to a New Year's Eve soirée: Norwegian butter biscuits which will be dressed to SLAY once they're all finished.

Thinking it might be time to add some new fish to the 80 gallon freshwater tank. The last new community members to go in were candy cane tetras (they're super cute, that's one all the way on the left in the middle water).

Any enthusiasts have favourites?

It's the end of 2022, and I've spent the year really focusing on prioritizing my sleep for myself, my health, my skincare, my career, and my personal well-being instead of for other people.

Despite that, yesterday and today were the first days in recent memory that I was able to sleep past 6.15a or so, and it's been truly game changing.

is real.

update: I just discovered that I can play white noise directly into my aid. I'm not entirely sure why this is an option, but apparently if I *extra* don't want to listen to someone I can drown them out with the sound of ocean waves or rain or a stream.

Also, tested it, and it's great for providing relief if my tinnitus in that ear is getting a little overwhelming. So that's neat.

The annual reading of this report is one of our only holiday traditions. This years' report just dropped!

Friendly reminder - you don't have to earn your dinner, your drinks, or your desserts, today or any day.

sometimes means setting boundaries with your friends and family, and you are allowed to do that, every day of the year.

Took this quick snap before I blocked it - it's on the form drying now.

I just love this baby cashmerino, it knits up so beautifully (even before blocking).

Cast on for my BFF's new yesterday. Should be finished today, and then ready for blocking. After not picking up the sticks for several years, it's been nice to see how quickly I'm remembering that I'm actually a solidly decent - something I taught myself (thanks youtube!) 15 years ago just after my tiny human was born as a way to keep myself busy while I was nursing.

To everyone celebrating, may you have a bright and happy Hanukkah filled with love, laughter, and good fortune. 🕎

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