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We saw Matilda the Musical (on film) on opening day and it was a true delight. I’ve said it multiple times since then: this feels like the absolute best stage-musical-to-screen adaptation I’ve probably *ever* seen (and, as a musical theatre performer and lover, I've seen a LOT).

12/10. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Go see this.

Personally, I can’t wait for it to be available to buy so I can watch it again and again.

Another from the same .

AKA: "what happens when your friend needs to test their studio setup so you throw a few drapey things into a bag with some shoes and see what happens". 😂

It's another chilly day in the Bay, so I'm throwing it back to a much warmer day when I wasn't feeling the need to wear quite so many layers.

One of my favourite photogs to work with, Carle Photography, has since moved to NoLa, but this was a fantastic shoot at their studio in Oakland to help them test out their new set.

Another "coffee and (reusable) eye masks" morning here in chilly San Francisco. Despite the relative humid climate of the Bay Area, these winter months mean extra hydration for the skin. Since my eye masks are reusable, I don't feel guilty using them every day - sometimes twice a day if I'm feeling extra fancy!

(they're these, for anyone curious: I ADORE them:

I made my BFF a simple knitted hat a decade ago. Last week, they asked me if I could make them another because they wear the first one so often and love it so much.

So - guess I'm picking up the sticks again! I even managed to track down the same yarn and find the pattern I used.

It's been a hot minute, but I'm excited.

Photos of the hat just after I'd finished it (that's me modeling it) Jan 2012.

When a person keeps an entire collection of their hair dye colours on-hand at all times, any day can be a "refresh the hair colour" day. Even a Monday in December.

And remember, all you hep cats and cool chicks, bright rainbow hair is dry clean only: shampoo as infrequently as possible (but don't skip the conditioner) to keep your colours bright and long-lasting.

Also: excited to get to test out my in a movie theatre setting.

Also also: Void bless movie theatres with assigned lounger seats. The Best.

Headed to Matilda the Musical movie today - can't wait! I've loved the musical on stage, with musical by the astonishingly good , and thrilled now to see it on film for the first time.

I went out last night to a large gathering for the first time since getting my . I was expecting it to be aurally overwhelming, and shockingly, it wasn't. And, while it afforded me the opportunity to test out some of the presets I have with my new supersonic ear, I found that the standard setting was the best in the moment.

It'll be interesting to have these new experiences and see what ends up surfacing.

Jenneviere boosted

i am BIG fan of
and i think y'all should embrace (and populate) the tag please, to fill my timeline.

thank you very much.

Ever had a house guest who visits and makes you realize how differently other people exist in their spaces?

Currently have a guest who apparently stomps and slams doors and drawers and cupboards and how do people live like this???

Today's observation:

My elderly father is visiting. He has age-induced hearing loss, and while he has his own hearing aids, I still have to raise my voice, speak slowly, and make sure he can see my face to lip read.

I'm learning now that this is easier for me when I keep my *out*, because otherwise I sound way too loud to myself.

Other observations:

-remove hexing aid THEN comb hair on that side

-walking next to an elementary school at recess time is excruciating: plan ahead (seriously, why are tiny humans so monstrously loud?)

-sunglasses have a learning curve

I’m in day 3 of my new * and let me tell you, the ability to stream Spotify straight into my ear is pretty freaking cool.

Also: check it! It’s so small that you can hardly see it, even though it’s a behind-the-ear model.

*not a typo - its what I’m calling my hearing aid. Feels lovely and witchy and maybe a little dangerous. 😈 (Thanks @Agatha for the naming convention! I love it!)

CROWDSOURCING: I need a witchy name to call my new hearing aid.

I call my instant pot my "electric cauldron" because it sounds more exciting and witchy. What should I call my hearing aid?

Me, a new(ish) home owner:

"A gift certificate for the termite treatment place can go on our Christmas gift ideas list, right?"

Ah yes, it's that time of year where we ask ourselves "where TF did our *one* roll of scotch tape go??"

Today's lunchtime adventures; baby portobellos that needed to be used + some leftover golden roasted potatoes == a quick and easy port wine mushroom bourguignon.

It was a *very* LA wedding.

I can officially tick that off the list. Not that it was ever really *on* my list in the first place. But there we have it. Done.

The Dollop is an American History comedic podcast - Dave (a host) reads a story from history to his co-host, Gareth, who has no idea what the story is going to be about. Hilarity ensues.

Seriously, I've learned more about American (and other!) history from this podcast than I did through my entire schooling career.

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