
I’m in day 3 of my new * and let me tell you, the ability to stream Spotify straight into my ear is pretty freaking cool.

Also: check it! It’s so small that you can hardly see it, even though it’s a behind-the-ear model.

*not a typo - its what I’m calling my hearing aid. Feels lovely and witchy and maybe a little dangerous. 😈 (Thanks @Agatha for the naming convention! I love it!)

Other observations:

-remove hexing aid THEN comb hair on that side

-walking next to an elementary school at recess time is excruciating: plan ahead (seriously, why are tiny humans so monstrously loud?)

-sunglasses have a learning curve

Today's observation:

My elderly father is visiting. He has age-induced hearing loss, and while he has his own hearing aids, I still have to raise my voice, speak slowly, and make sure he can see my face to lip read.

I'm learning now that this is easier for me when I keep my *out*, because otherwise I sound way too loud to myself.

@jenneviere I dunno, I live right next to a school yard, I love the sound of kids playing, the occasional screech notwithstanding. I missed it during the plague. 🤔😉😊

@jeffm23 I don't enjoy most tiny humans, and I especially don't enjoy them when they are screeching for absolutely no reason other than to make noise (which encapsulates most of my experience with them during recess. This was particularly evident when I was visiting my own tiny human during recess). To each their own.


I can't stand loud kids - I call them raptors. 😂 I have CPTSD/neurospicy issues, so screaming is absolutely terrible. I have an acquaintance who is deaf. They LOVE being able to turn off their hearing aids and turn their back on obnoxious people. I'm a *little* jealous, tbh. 😂

@Agatha We were at a wedding last weekend. We were at a table with a 4 and a 6 year old. Prior to the event, we were promised that they were the "most well behaved".

Guess who wasn't at all well behaved?

I would have been fine if their parents had had them eat, be around for a hot minute, and then make a quick exit to their hotel room where they could be as rambunctious and noisy as they wanted. Instead, they were there for HOURS at this lavish sit-down event.


My ex and I got married at the courthouse. A couple months later we had a celebration event. We rented an indoor/outdoor pavilion at a state park by a river. October weather. Our own bathroom. A kitchen. And a kid's park within eyesight. Catered BBQ.

Best. Decision. Ever. Zero kids underfoot, and no one felt like they needed to rush to leave. Super relaxed. Everyone was in comfy clothing and could eat as much as they wanted. 😂

@jenneviere (Only good decision about that relationship. 😂 😂)

My husband and I got married at a sushi restaurant, just us, our officiant, and our officiant's husband (and our witness). We held a child-free-except-our-child celebration a month later. We also asked our friend to be our child's minder, so they had a specific adult assigned to them to keep them cool or take them someplace appropriate if they got uncool. 10/10, this was the best way to go for us.

@jenneviere What is that? A HexingAid? Looks cool! Wherever did you get it? I googled it but saw nothing.

@JustMe2 Hexing Aid is what I call my new hearing aid - for enhanced witchy vibes.

@jenneviere Masks are another fun item - I still pull an aid off when I'm removing it, most of the time.

@jenneviere I started wearing hearing aids just this year (all the high-end sounds were not coming through). Mine are much like yours, and I love them - they really aren't obvious. The app with my phone is so nice; I can enjoy music or videos and not bother anyone.

@jenneviere @Agatha I probably need to get a hearing aid but aI don't know if I can afford even an OTC one, now that no scrip is needed.

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