Randomly remembering the time ~20 years ago I went to work at restaurant thinking it was for a serving shift (so had my server uniform) only to find out it was a hostess shift. Didn't have proper hostess attire, but I had a set of loungewear in my car that passed *just* enough with a cute pair of borrowed sandals & someone else's borrowed necklace and I just rolled with it?

What a time to be alive.

These cookie bars brought to you by the many, many mini packs of M&Ms that were languishing at the bottom of the Halloween pile and a quick 15 minutes to mix them up and toss them into the oven.

Weekly lunch prep isn't just about knowing what food I'll have every day, or what I need to buy for the week. It's also about having things prepped in advance so I have enough time not just to make and eat lunch, but also to throw together some midday treats.

These two adorable naked bbs will be coming home to live with us in a month! So thrilled - it's time for us to hear the pitter patter of little (non-human) feet on our floors once again.

And the whipped feta and tomato chutney are not just delicious, but gorgeous.

When I say fresh made pasta, this is what I meant. 👩🏻‍🍳

@Janet If you (or anyone else) have ever wanted to try making pasta from scratch, I can't recommend Nonna Live enough (nonnalive.com/). We connected with these folks through work, and in addition to making some amazing olive oil, they do live zoom pasta-making sessions with real nonnas (Italian grandmas) and they're so inviting, caring, and inclusive. Everyone can make fresh pasta. <3

@Janet The only thing I haven't made before in some form is the pasta - I'm trying a new recipe for our extruder. Otherwise, I can absolutely say that everything IS delish! :D

GAH. Today's dinner guest canceled. And I had such a great menu planned.

Good thing my family will appreciate my fab home made selections tonight anyway.

On the menu:
- Whipped feta with tomato chutney
- Quinoa edamame & feta salad
- Warm barley and carrot salad, with turmeric and cumin, topped with almonds and pomegranate seeds

And the main:
- Fresh made pasta with spinach, basil, and walnut pesto

@Chickadee Oh don't worry - I share with them all the time. :)

@Chickadee to be clear I do have an entire selection of my OWN onesies... but this one happened to be close at hand so I just grabbed it knowing TinyHuman wouldn't mind.

Couldn’t shake the chill this morning, so borrowed my tiny human's sea otter onesie. Bonus: the adorable little clam in the pocket! Between this and my hot tea, I should be warm enough in no time.

Finished this quick shawl a while ago after I frogged the shawl I started well before the panini and just wasn’t loving this colourway for. I feel like this simple loose pattern does this yarn a much better favour.

A customer (I have a small biz) just messaged me with the following (and ONLY the following):

Subject: Package Delivery
Body: Hi there, are there any more details on this delivery? I don’t see anything at my front desk or mailbox

No order number, no tracking number, nothing to help me help them with.... whatever it is they're asking about.

It's going to be a long Saturday.

Watching the Abercrombie & Fitch documentary on Netflix and reminded of this shoot I was hired for in college. The photog, Jason, was definitely trying for the A&F feel, and who was I to argue about being put in a shoot with 4 nearly naked dudes? :D

DAMN I did NOT have "run uphill 8 blocks due to an emergency with your tiny human's partner" on my docket today but that's exactly what I just did.

The ambulance only beat me by 30 seconds.

Everyone’s okay-ish, and in proper care now. Wear helmets when you’re skateboarding, yo. Please.

And now of course now I can’t get “Running Up That Hill (A Deal with God)” out of my head.

Reminded today of that time I had to explain to my colleagues that I have Emotional Support Cheese™ whenever I travel.

@writergrrrl29 MY PLEASURE!

I subbed the farro for the freekeh (because I'd been wanting to try the latter as I'd never had it) and it works great, but there are other options too.

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