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@SalK Give me a boa, sequins, or a cutout illusion, but don't give them to me all at once, especially not on a mini.

I'd never heard of caramelized lemon vinaigrette before today.

Now I can't imagine I'll go more than a month without making it again, it's AMAZING.

Particularly for folks who have mega-producing lemon trees, this is a fantastic option. Currently on my romaine, freekeh, date, and macadamia nut salad, topped with a bit of gruyere. [chefskiss]

@SmiKooMan We had flash flood warnings last year as well...

This inconspicuous little bottle gives me *so much joy*.

This is Main Street Melts diffuser oil in Main Street Bakery scent. It's sweet and warm and cosy and just makes me so happy.

Jenneviere boosted

Watching the debacle in the Republican controlled House, I just want to re-up this sentiment:

Thinking back to July last year, when this WHOLE-ASSED BOOK was delivered to me.

This is the book I edited.

I helped make this.

I am a literary editor.

It's some sexy, sexy business in these pages. Figuratively and literally.

My eyeballs have caressed each and every one of these words, many of them more than once. Want in? ->>

@Agatha I'm in the Excelsior - things have mostly dried out. Sorry your package took an unnecessary detour though! I'll blow it a kiss as it heads out, at any rate. 😘

@Agatha Floods are pretty much passed at this point, if it makes you feel any better. They were Tues/Thur. It was bright and sunshiny today (I'm in SF - near enough to Sac to know).

@singlemaltgirl Shoot, I made this last week! Perfection for this time of year (in North America).

Did I sit down the moment this arrived and start immediately playing these songs?

Yes, dear reader, I did. I absolutely did.

Look, I may not be a fantastic piano player these days, but I’ve got some fabulous new material to practice to get back there. Can’t wait to dig in to over the next few days and plunk out these stunningly beautiful tunes.

@TrueBloodNet I'm pescatarian, so I eat a *lot* of shrimp and other seafood. Great source of protein, and *delicious*.

One of the things I love about being a is that I almost always have things around to make into home made, healthy (ish) lunches during my work days.

Today I had some shrimp to use up, so grabbed a jar of sweet corn that I preserved this summer, some fresh basil from my aerogarden, & some veggie stock I made last week (with peels and ends that would have otherwise gone to compost) and whipped up a cozy corn and shrimp chowder. Doesn't photograph well but it's *delicious*.

Awww - a year ago we were featured on an episode of Accuracy Third: an oral history of Black Rock (). If you want to listen to us tell some of our favourite Burning Man stories, you can do that here πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ» (we had a ton of fun).

Just packing up for our New Year's Day tradition: the annual viewing of with commentary by the legendary will commence tomorrow. Can't wait!

Jenneviere boosted

i hear a lot of men complain that women don't like short men. they don't find short men attractive. etc.

zelensky is just under 5'6. lots of women find him sexy as fuck. he's articulate, cares about his children, his people, his country. he has a great sense of humour & the man can dance.

so maybe, just maybe, it's not about height, eh? πŸ€”

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