These cookie bars brought to you by the many, many mini packs of M&Ms that were languishing at the bottom of the Halloween pile and a quick 15 minutes to mix them up and toss them into the oven.

Weekly lunch prep isn't just about knowing what food I'll have every day, or what I need to buy for the week. It's also about having things prepped in advance so I have enough time not just to make and eat lunch, but also to throw together some midday treats.

These two adorable naked bbs will be coming home to live with us in a month! So thrilled - it's time for us to hear the pitter patter of little (non-human) feet on our floors once again.

And the whipped feta and tomato chutney are not just delicious, but gorgeous.

When I say fresh made pasta, this is what I meant. 👩🏻‍🍳

Couldn’t shake the chill this morning, so borrowed my tiny human's sea otter onesie. Bonus: the adorable little clam in the pocket! Between this and my hot tea, I should be warm enough in no time.

Finished this quick shawl a while ago after I frogged the shawl I started well before the panini and just wasn’t loving this colourway for. I feel like this simple loose pattern does this yarn a much better favour.

Watching the Abercrombie & Fitch documentary on Netflix and reminded of this shoot I was hired for in college. The photog, Jason, was definitely trying for the A&F feel, and who was I to argue about being put in a shoot with 4 nearly naked dudes? :D

I'd never heard of caramelized lemon vinaigrette before today.

Now I can't imagine I'll go more than a month without making it again, it's AMAZING.

Particularly for folks who have mega-producing lemon trees, this is a fantastic option. Currently on my romaine, freekeh, date, and macadamia nut salad, topped with a bit of gruyere. [chefskiss]

This inconspicuous little bottle gives me *so much joy*.

This is Main Street Melts diffuser oil in Main Street Bakery scent. It's sweet and warm and cosy and just makes me so happy.

Thinking back to July last year, when this WHOLE-ASSED BOOK was delivered to me.

This is the book I edited.

I helped make this.

I am a literary editor.

It's some sexy, sexy business in these pages. Figuratively and literally.

My eyeballs have caressed each and every one of these words, many of them more than once. Want in? ->>

Did I sit down the moment this arrived and start immediately playing these songs?

Yes, dear reader, I did. I absolutely did.

Look, I may not be a fantastic piano player these days, but I’ve got some fabulous new material to practice to get back there. Can’t wait to dig in to over the next few days and plunk out these stunningly beautiful tunes.

Just packing up for our New Year's Day tradition: the annual viewing of with commentary by the legendary will commence tomorrow. Can't wait!

My basil plant (in my - love that thing!) needed to be harvested, so I whipped up a quick but delicious lunch using it and some sundried tomatoes.

Later I'll be decorating cookies, but first, this lovely shrimp and some red wine.

Cookie baking has commenced. This is prepping for some delicious treats to take to a New Year's Eve soirée: Norwegian butter biscuits which will be dressed to SLAY once they're all finished.

Thinking it might be time to add some new fish to the 80 gallon freshwater tank. The last new community members to go in were candy cane tetras (they're super cute, that's one all the way on the left in the middle water).

Any enthusiasts have favourites?

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