So I ordered something on the 30th. On the 4th it arrived to the USPS distribution center for my area - North Houston, TX.

It's now in Sacramento.
Where it's flooding.



@Agatha Floods are pretty much passed at this point, if it makes you feel any better. They were Tues/Thur. It was bright and sunshiny today (I'm in SF - near enough to Sac to know).


It arrived there Thursday. πŸ˜• But it shouldn't have been there at all, ffs.

Glad things are better now. My brother is in Oakland. We grew up in San Francisco (Sunset district kids - couple blocks from the zoo near the beach).

@Agatha I'm in the Excelsior - things have mostly dried out. Sorry your package took an unnecessary detour though! I'll blow it a kiss as it heads out, at any rate. 😘


Ah "inland"! πŸ˜‚ I never got over there too much at the time. Wish I'd explored more before I was forced to leave.

Kinda jealous my yarn got a free trip over there for a $4 shipping fee, yet I'm still trapped in Texass. πŸ˜”

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