
One of the things I love about being a is that I almost always have things around to make into home made, healthy (ish) lunches during my work days.

Today I had some shrimp to use up, so grabbed a jar of sweet corn that I preserved this summer, some fresh basil from my aerogarden, & some veggie stock I made last week (with peels and ends that would have otherwise gone to compost) and whipped up a cozy corn and shrimp chowder. Doesn't photograph well but it's *delicious*.

@TrueBloodNet I'm pescatarian, so I eat a *lot* of shrimp and other seafood. Great source of protein, and *delicious*.

@jenneviere I eat seafood 2-3x a week. I don't eat mammals. OK it's Ovolacto pesca pollotarian. Really, I could make and eat lunch in the time it takes to write it out :)

Anyway, that sounds nummy. I really wish more fish were allowed in the diet and that shrimp were cheaper!

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