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What is your favourite part about long drives and why is it listening to The Dollop podcast episodes back to back?


(If you haven't heard of The Dollop, you're in for a treat.

Today was hard. So I'm sharing a photo from a sitting I did (many years ago now) where I felt strong, and fierce, and badass.

I'll pull from her strength tomorrow. For now, I'm having a cup of tea and then heading to sleep, to recharge and get ready to face the day.

Also, just a reminder that these are phrases you can tuck into your mental back pocket to keep handy in case you need them.

Just say no to food moralization, or the idea that anyone needs to exercise to punish themselves for their food choices.

If you're celebrating a holiday today, may I suggest taking a moment - either alone or with whomever you're celebrating with - to pull up this map [] and find out which indigenous peoples and tribes used to reside where you are, and then maybe take another few minutes to learn something about them.

Oh hey, it’s your old pal, one step closer to getting her very own hearing aid.

I had partial in my right ear 2.5 years ago, and since it doesn’t appear to be resolving on its own, I’m turning to technology. Just had my audiogram!

I’m living this journey out loud, because, you know, if my eyesight needed a little boost, I wouldn’t be embarrassed about getting glasses or contacts, so why should I shy away from talking about this, either?

More updates to come!

Delivery driver thank you box is out!

Year 7 of thanks for the many folks who make it up our front stairs to deliver things to us. It's always such a joy, and I'm happy to have gotten it out before Black Friday (always my goal, but last year I was late). It'll get a little zhuzh with some juice pouches to round out the beverage offering, and maybe a couple more salty snack options.

I don't know what I expected from the final season of , but openly sobbing for, like, half of it wasn't on my agenda.

And yet, that is fully what happened.

What a moving love letter of goodbye to that show. Hard to not feel the pang of farewell to Christina as well, as she's suggested this may have been her last time in front of the cameras.

Current status: making my own veggie stock in my (instant pot) that I'll use in making some chili later this afternoon.

Making veggie stock from all the skins, scraps, bits, and bobs from veg prep is one of my favourite electric cauldron hacks.

It's always funny to me how much it changes my face when I don't accentuate my cupid's bow. So weird!

Morning! Just channeling my inner Disney princess.

Makeup by the ever talented TinyHuman.

I love complex, complicated cooking, but I equally love simple delicious meals.

This lunch has (not including the croutons) just 7 ingredients: kale, spinach, salmon, olive oil, fresh lemon juice, pine nuts, and salt.

One of my favourite things about my company's 100% remote work policy is that I can made delicious, home made lunches nearly every day. Today: seared salmon on a bed of fresh baby spinach and home-grown (from my ) baby kale, with pine nuts and home made croutons.

Jenneviere boosted

My 15 year old tiny human's partner regularly comes over after school to nap. It's the most adorable thing. Yes, friendo: we will absolutely be a safe place for you to sleep and sometimes eat dinner. Welcome.

Taking a moment to throw it back to that time, 12 years ago today, when I returned from a week of camping on-location while filming a Francis Ford Coppola film.

I'm only a glorified extra, but the film showed at our local Alamo Drafthouse last month and it's still wild as ever to see myself on the big screen, especially with my 15 year old in the audience with me.

Highlight of the week: Uncle Francis asking me to bite his neck with my vampire fangs.

I’ve been slowly cementing my status as the neighbourhood witch, complete with my own little band of crow friends. They’re getting bolder - just look how close this brave big guy gets to me!

At this point, they know that if they go to the front wires, and caw and call me out, I will come out and bring them some lovely peanuts. They call me out probably three times a week at least.

It's been a while since I've grown my hair out. I'd forgotten how much of it is learning how to style a new length for, like, 2 days and then having to re-learn for the next new length.

Thank goodness for hats and remote working.

Mornings are for coffee (single origin from Moustache Coffee Club) and self-care with my reusable eye masks (seriously love these things (

It's almost time! This year will be our 7th annual year setting out some snacks for our many delivery drivers - both regular and seasonal - for the holiday season. I'm starting to gather my supplies, I usually put it out on Black Friday and keep it up through the new year.

Here's last year's starting bin.

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