
Oh hey, it’s your old pal, one step closer to getting her very own hearing aid.

I had partial in my right ear 2.5 years ago, and since it doesn’t appear to be resolving on its own, I’m turning to technology. Just had my audiogram!

I’m living this journey out loud, because, you know, if my eyesight needed a little boost, I wouldn’t be embarrassed about getting glasses or contacts, so why should I shy away from talking about this, either?

More updates to come!

@jenneviere I am hard of hearing. Wear a HA in my functional ear. Glad to see you are being proactive. I use Phonak because it has the most assistive tech associated with it. What are you getting?

@J_Windrow working with my audiologist now to figure out my best options, but I just need the 1, and since I'm fairly young and tech savvy I can take advantage of the options that connect via bluetooth and have phone adjustability.

@jenneviere I only need one as well since I have one totally dead ear and one with moderate to severe hearing loss. The reason I used Phonak is that it has peripherals no one else has - as in you can put a microphone on a speaker and have it feed to your HA or you can have a "pen" in your hand that has a directional mic in it that you can use at parties to catch convo with a friend who is standing close, etc. I've used different HAs over the years but now it's Phonak integrations.

@jenneviere something i need, as well. My hearing is going, same as my mother's did. Procrastination seems to be a high art form for me, but I need to get around to it.

@GlennS If you need someone to kick you in the pants, this is me kicking you in the pants. Schedule a test. At the very least, learn what your options are. You don't have to move on any of them, but knowing is so much better than guessing and having your life and comfort unnecessarily affected.

@jenneviere thanks, I did that and got some results back. The price made me squirm. But recent changes to rules governing hearing aids is going to make them a lot more affordable. So yeah, I need to get offa my duff.

@jenneviere I’ve had hearing aids for years. I also have asymmetrical hearing loss. You’re right that you shouldn’t have to worry about talking about this.

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