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I went out last night to a large gathering for the first time since getting my . I was expecting it to be aurally overwhelming, and shockingly, it wasn't. And, while it afforded me the opportunity to test out some of the presets I have with my new supersonic ear, I found that the standard setting was the best in the moment.

It'll be interesting to have these new experiences and see what ends up surfacing.

@IrisDallen Eh, it's most likely because they're hard of hearing and they don't realize how loud they're being, which is a whole other thing and one that I'm fine just living with during their short stay rather than making them feel self conscious. I was just venting into the void, tbh.

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Ever had a house guest who visits and makes you realize how differently other people exist in their spaces?

Currently have a guest who apparently stomps and slams doors and drawers and cupboards and how do people live like this???

@JustMe2 Hexing Aid is what I call my new hearing aid - for enhanced witchy vibes.

Today's observation:

My elderly father is visiting. He has age-induced hearing loss, and while he has his own hearing aids, I still have to raise my voice, speak slowly, and make sure he can see my face to lip read.

I'm learning now that this is easier for me when I keep my *out*, because otherwise I sound way too loud to myself.

My husband and I got married at a sushi restaurant, just us, our officiant, and our officiant's husband (and our witness). We held a child-free-except-our-child celebration a month later. We also asked our friend to be our child's minder, so they had a specific adult assigned to them to keep them cool or take them someplace appropriate if they got uncool. 10/10, this was the best way to go for us.

@Agatha We were at a wedding last weekend. We were at a table with a 4 and a 6 year old. Prior to the event, we were promised that they were the "most well behaved".

Guess who wasn't at all well behaved?

I would have been fine if their parents had had them eat, be around for a hot minute, and then make a quick exit to their hotel room where they could be as rambunctious and noisy as they wanted. Instead, they were there for HOURS at this lavish sit-down event.

@jeffm23 I don't enjoy most tiny humans, and I especially don't enjoy them when they are screeching for absolutely no reason other than to make noise (which encapsulates most of my experience with them during recess. This was particularly evident when I was visiting my own tiny human during recess). To each their own.

Other observations:

-remove hexing aid THEN comb hair on that side

-walking next to an elementary school at recess time is excruciating: plan ahead (seriously, why are tiny humans so monstrously loud?)

-sunglasses have a learning curve

I’m in day 3 of my new * and let me tell you, the ability to stream Spotify straight into my ear is pretty freaking cool.

Also: check it! It’s so small that you can hardly see it, even though it’s a behind-the-ear model.

*not a typo - its what I’m calling my hearing aid. Feels lovely and witchy and maybe a little dangerous. 😈 (Thanks @Agatha for the naming convention! I love it!)

@JonathanF that ribbing in the image makes my legs itch just looking at it!

@Agatha I'm geeking out at this rec because not only does it tick the witchy box, but it's 1: accurate (need to be able to hear clearly to make proper hexes) and 2: just similar enough that it's recognizable and if I say it quickly the listener will hear 'hearing aid' automatically anyway, and then register it. A++ work.

@JonathanF I wear knee-high boots as my out-and-about daily wear, so fun socks are almost a prerequisite.

@JonathanF Love this. I don't own any non-fun socks, it's one of my quirks, but I make sure to wear the EXTRA fun knee-high ones when I go to my gynecologist. Double duty: keeps my legs warm in the stirrups and entertains my doc.:)

@DavidJett ooo man if it were glasses I could call it my scrying aid!

@JonathanF I mean, now that you mention it, both!

For recs: Bombas for quality and their lifetime guarantee, and Sock Dreams to just fill up that drawer with fun and functional socks. Sock Dreams is a woman owned store in Portland, and they ROCK. I've worked directly with the team, such good folks, it's where I get 90% of my sock drawer.

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