@ordenauta @BreakingNews I wonder if an honest leader can ever emerge when the very system penalizes or murders the honest and compassionate...
@BreakingNews interestingly Jewish on her dad's side and brought up as culturally Jewish...
@ordenauta @BreakingNews why?
@Becca5620 I hope but I'm not holding my breath to get there!
@JGNWYRK especially while having their cake and eating it too!
@Becca5620 personally I want to know how it all ends for humanity...
@IrelandTorin most people do because they've been trained (or bludgeoned) to believe that the good outweighs the bad, whether it's true or not. I mean a EULA is a great example (South Park had a fantastic episode on this called HumancentiPad). You use the software, you agree to the terms. Very few people know what it says and it's extremely long by design. Even when fully apprised, people think the value is greater than the cost. It goes for almost everything in first world life these days.
@IrelandTorin but designs change due to various factors, not just mission (or software) creep. Market pressures, new research, etc. In order to stay current/viable with ASICs, you'd need to over-engineer to 5, 10 years in the future. Meanwhile your competitor is pumping out designs that are easily modified and improved upon. I agree that safety designs should meet extremely high standards (look at aeronautics) and that simplicity should rule there but it always butts heads with profit.
@IrelandTorin you're also forgetting that now that it's here it has inertia. People want streaming and digital services in their car, Bluetooth, sensors for lane changing, lane assist, etc. The genie's out of the bottle.
@IrelandTorin but the upfront investment for ASICs is bigger. Designing and fabricating them (and as you say getting it absolutely right) can take a lot longer. Scaling the design or upgrading takes longer. It's like building with concrete: rock solid and built to last but God forbid you need to change its design.
@IrelandTorin how do you upgrade a custom-built ASIC in millions of vehicles if something desperately needs to change?
@IrelandTorin wouldn't they be unsuitable due to size/cost ratio and fragility? I mean I know that they can now be made much smaller than before but CMOS and CCD cameras are pretty well suited to the task. And yes, for cost purposes at scale, not to mention desirable features, upgradeability, and flexibility, a general computing device is going to almost always win out over analog devices or ASICS.
@XaoslordErie @BillyBones she and Vanity, both around the same age, both fronting the girls band (first Vanity 6 and then Apollonia 6), both absolutely stunning. Prince did not waste his time.
@daniel first time ever in Vegas happened to be August 2000. I have no idea why a bunch of my coworkers decided to go then. First day was 107°F, second was 116°F. At that point I thought, well it's bound to cool down at night. It did. Down to 105°F on the top of the Rio hotel!
@cornered what's a bookmark? 😂
@IrelandTorin everything was headed in that direction anyway, starting with engines. Also, there's a lot more you can do with onboard computers that you can't do even with sophisticated optics, e.g., brighten an image.
@Alfred can you generate a picture of Donald Trump after he hasn't slept for 48 hours?
@AlphaCentauri @Museek @th3j35t3r @Alfred why do many AI generated images containing people add extra fingers and toes?
All good things... let's show the cynical and the hateful how the digital world is supposed to work.