It helps to know people who appreciate such pursuits. Even better to nurture young ones into adults who are passionate about discovering the natural joys all around us. My youngest (16) is an absolute blessing about sharing found treasures. 🥰
Pleasure to meet you and welcome home. Would love to know how you've been learning Gaeilge. I dropped the Duolingo course after one year in, when the company opted for AI over human instruction teams.
Cat: That's "Officer Cat" to you humans.
Find someone who needs help with something, and don't ask who they are or who they voted for, or whether they deserve it. Find a way to help.
Damn, I miss RBG. 😞
Thrift stores usually carry them, mostly Susan Bates brand. For teaching, I'd go with US 8 minimum and budget acrylic 4-ply worsted (Red Heart).
Some of us never stopped. 😉
Curious about the history of Victory Gardens in the U.S., this piece from the National Park Service captured my attention. Worthwhile reading. Special historical note re: Japanese-American internment. OTD (Nov. 10) in 1945, Camp Heart was closed. That was only 79 years ago. Think about it.
True that. This could quite likely have been a contributing factor to 23's near-miss wreck last Sunday. 🤔
@LnzyHouThe added hazard is that this is mating season. Bucks are moving around a lot chasing mates. @fugitive247
Mutual, bro. Much love & respect. 🫶
Wow! I am so sorry that happened to you. Even once is too much, but *twice*!?
😲 O.M.G. 🤬
@fugitive247 There was a guy I knew in Michigan that had a small herd of beef cattle grazing a corner of his land. Mostly he farmed beans, corn, and wheat. He got tired of his cattle being shot at, so he painted "COW" on them. Both sides. Two of them were killed afterward. Shot dead center through the "O". A LOT of farmers have no use for "hunters", and for good reason. @LnzyHou
Queen of the Long Game ~ Charmingly Twisted ~ Gen-X OG ~ ODAAT/JFT June 1995 ♥ =)