MGM Grand is looking to hire a Red Hat Linux System Admin willing to work 10 hours per day 7 days a week to completely rebuild its IT environment from the ground up and get the slot machines working again
Srsly 7 days a week 10hr shifts 🥴🤒🤕🤮🤧🥵🥶😰😭
@ecksmc that's tough but also if I was young, without a family, and had that skillset I would be all over this listing.
Hard work for sure, but $7k / week for at least two or three weeks is a significant chunk of change for a ton of people.
@ecksmc 100x10 = 1000 so it's not terrible tbh. But tis quite a lot of work =/
@MrGoat i suppose the money isn't bad if everything goes smoothly
that's a big IF
Ask for a cut of the daily house take for 7 days once the new system's up and running.
It's the MGM Grand!
@ecksmc That pay is insulting. C'mon Bezos.
@ecksmc Geeze…. back when Kirk Kirkorian owned MGM for that kind of position that guy could write his own check and Kirkorian would just sign it.
I worked at the Reno property in the 80’s and they hired away the main programmer for Johnson Controls to oversee the fire/safety systems for both Grand hotels.
He had full access to the corporate jet, a house in Vegas and massive salary.
Answered only to Kirkorian himself. If he wanted someone fired they were history.
@ecksmc So it's going well I see. 🤣