Good morning.

My favorite still is when I pulled a muscle and writhed in agony for 30 minutes because I put on shorts.

@LiberalLibrarian I turned to look at my cat a few years ago and could barely move the rest of the day.


@ProjectShadow @LiberalLibrarian

At 55, I accidentally sat on my balls for the first time. That was my most painful injury until the first sneeze after open-heart surgery.

As men get older they learn to sit very carefully.

@LiberalLibrarian @ProjectShadow

Give me some betadine and a scalpel and I can fix that for you. That's literally the first procedure I did as a Navy Corpsman on ship.

@danalan I have an appointment with a surgeon. Not until the end of July, though. I'm NOT going through this again. @ProjectShadow

@LiberalLibrarian @ProjectShadow
If the pain is exquisite, the hemorrhoidectomy instantly provides relief, and it's insanely simple.

@LiberalLibrarian @ProjectShadow
Sorry, that should be hemorroidotomy, not surgical excision - just cutting an external bulge.

My mistake. If your problem is extensive, and internal, then it's serious surgery. If it's just one or more external bulging veins, it's simple and effective.

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