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Now don't get me wrong, I love fruit, and berries.
But not on Waffles, not sorry.

I'm in

Real maple syrup, eggs, and bacon on the side.
Breakfast for dinner.

: This sounds kinda like me when I'm talking to frens and acquaintances about coming to but they keep asking why they should come here "where there aren't as many other people".

All ZuckerDroid and Elon Muskovite can do is censor mention of this place on their platforms and pay MFs to badmouth us. Because they know if word actually got out and their black hat buffets had to run down the straight with us, their users will have never seen anything move that fast.

Just started reading Judith Butler’s latest ; I love their words; I have leaned into them in my studies, but to find a new book by a philosopher one adores is a gift. While I am in Canada, timely read for US folks (chapter on Tr*mp).


Imposter syndrome is so strange. It feels like one is self reflecting, on ones place in the world. But in fact it has nothing to do with self, or the world. How could it? As if holding a mirror at the sky, there is no sky to see its own reflection. Yet we grasp onto this no-thing as if it was as real as a stone.




Making the mind strong and making the body strong are not the same. To make the body strong we have to exercise it, to push it, in order to make it strong, but to make the mind strong means to make it peaceful, not to go thinking of this and that. For most of us the mind has never been peaceful, it has never had the energy of samādhi, so we must establish it within a boundary. We sit in meditation, staying with the “one who knows.”

~ Ajahn Chah.


Bend down and there it is:
No need to wrest it from others.
With the Way in complete agreement,
The mere touch of a hand is spring:
The way we come upon blooming flowers,
The way we see the year renew itself.
What comes this way will stay;
What is gotten by force will drain away.
A secluded person on an empty mountain,
While rain falls, picks some blades of duckweed.
Freely feeling the flash of dawn:
Leisurely, within the balance.

Ssu-k’ung T’u (837-908)

(is it me, and my current mood? Or does this also creep you out?)

NEW Boston Dynamics Robot

We are unveiling the next generation of humanoid robots—a fully electric Atlas robot designed for real-world applications.

My Jam Today

It seems I am a bit down, feeling a combination of imposter syndrome and melancholy. Maybe it is just sleep deprivation. Maybe the world is totally fucked, and I've been fooling myself that humans have a future that is not a dystopian hell scape.

Solo Piano

Philip Glass Solo

Note: It is just a mood, it will pass.

Hey font nerds. Did you see this?

Papyrus 2: A Bold New Look for Avatar

Ryan Gosling was on Saturday Night Live this weekend and they did a sequel to one of my favorite SNL sketches (which is completely dorky in a design nerd sort of way) ever: Papyrus. Behold, Papyrus 2:

And the original

Philip Ball: What is life and how does it work?

Discover a leading-edge new vision of biology that will revise our concept of what life itself is, and how to enhance it.

( I am asking all Trans folks to comment on this. I really don't know enough about what is going on here.)

"Unfortunately, most liberal 'allies' don’t know the difference between actual diverse trans people, and the misogynist activists that claim to speak for them. Most liberals don’t tolerate any critique these days, let alone cartoon critique, which is graphic and funny; nothing pisses off ideologues like humor, the ultimate 'disrespect'."

(The bizarre story of "Heterocycles.")

Digital preservation, access control, and scholarly needs.

At the time of writing this (2024-04-11), the entire content of a “key” chemistry journal called Heterocycles, with over 17,000 articles in it, from 1973 to 2023, has been knocked offline due to what the publisher vaguely describes as “various circumstances”.

A nice explanation of why electrical engineering, the "grid", and renewable energy is so complex.

Connecting Solar to the Grid is Harder Than You Think.

"Don't half-ass 2 things, whole-ass 1 thing."

Multitasking is a myth.

"You don't have to fill all of your time, all of the time. Do nothing more often."

Busyness, for the sake of busyness is a trap.

We Need To Rewild The Internet

The internet has become an extractive and fragile monoculture. But we can revitalize it using lessons learned by ecologists.

“Our online spaces are not ecosystems, though tech firms love that word. They’re plantations; highly concentrated and controlled environments … that madden the creatures trapped within.”

Maria Farrell

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"We Be The Humans"

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.