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Scenes from the 39th annual Lakota Omniciye Wacipi in Spearfish, South Dakota at Black Hills State University. The powwow was organized by the Black Hills State University Native Student Union – Lakota Omniciye.

Librarians have never been a quiet bunch: Information, after all, is power. To mark National Library Week—typically celebrated the second full week of April—Atlas Obscura, fittingly, went into the archives to find our favorite stories of librarians who have fostered cultural movements, protected national secrets, and fought criminals. 6 Badass Librarians Who Changed History

(hmmmmm. I wonder if the increase in the number of employed, has anything to do with this)

The homicide rate continues to plummet in major American cities. “The nation is on track to see one of the lowest levels of violent crimes and homicides since President Obama was in office.”

I feel as though a lot of folks here might resonate with this one, especially but not limited to our* Buddhists.

*Not that anyone *owns* a Buddhist. Kind of antithetical to the theory and practice.

It should not surprise you that a lot of the libertarian douchebros who run weed dealerships are horrible employers. Luckily, at least on the west coast, a lot of those workers have organized with the United Food and Commercial Workers. They need that representation and strikes may be on the horizon.

M​è​res Oc​é​ans
by Christophe Panzani

Christophe Panzani - Tenor sax / bass car / alto flûte / prod / comp
Tony Paeleman - upright piano / synths / sec and mix engineer
Enzo Carniel - grand piano
Guilhem Flouzat - drums
Antoine Pierre - drums (Tempus Fugit / Les Corps Chauds)


Yilei Chen posted a preprint, claiming to give a polynomial-time quantum algorithm to solve lattice problems.

If it’s correct, this is an extremely big deal. It doesn’t quite break the main lattice-based cryptosystems, but it would put those cryptosystems into a precarious position, vulnerable to a mere further polynomial improvement in the approximation factor.


E-bike subsidies should be more widespread, following the lead of Colorado ($450 back on a bike purchase). “More than half of all trips taken by Americans are less than three miles. E-bikes open up these kinds of trips to a greater diversity of cyclists.”

Whales and dolphins have been officially recognized as "legal persons" in a new treaty formed by Pacific Indigenous leaders from the Cook Islands, French Polynesia, Aotearoa (New Zealand) and Tonga. But one treaty won't be enough to protect them

Researchers discover new clues to how tardigrades can survive intense radiation

She found that a species of tardigrade is not immune to DNA damage—irradiation does damage their DNA—but the tardigrades can repair extensive damage.

Announcing a New Paradigm for Economics and Beyond
One thousand critiques of neoclassical economics are not going to be effective unless the critiques hang together.

By David Sloan Wilson and Dennis J. Snower

44ºF, partly cloudy, light wind.

Morning Forest Walk About

To Notice:
The difference between ritual, and routine. Ritual can be a powerful grounding force. Yet it can become routine, and dilute its meaning making.

To Do:
Mix up your day, do things in a different order. Inject some bit of randomness, spontaneity. Be more intentional in your actions. Of course it is impossible to be 100% intentional, that's why we call it practice.

Good night all, off to read and study something hard. Study what you don't know, not what you do know. Simple right? You would be surprised by how many people study or consume what they already think they know well.

and Experimental

A playlist of some tunes.

Sad news

Reporting from Ukraine is shutting down

Scheduled for deletion. Watch now. I need your help.

Please help him at:


Sending up some smoke for you.
May you be free of worry.

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