
Good morning, friends and for any of you in the path of severe weather today, here’s a link to my list of tips to safeguard yourself, your loved ones (including pets,) and your property. Please stay safe!

@cassandra17lina good morning CC! It’s a fire up the Toro Storm 2410 snow thrower and salt the walkways until they get hypertensive kinda’ day here. How’s by you?

@CanisPundit expecting winds in excess of 50 mph and rain, with the possibility of severe storms. I’ve cleared out my interior pantry “safe room” so we can hop in there with the dogs if necessary. Stay safe!

@cassandra17lina ah pantries! We have one too. My wife stocks up, freezer too. We quarantined well.

Stay safe. May your solar panels stay on the roof.

@CanisPundit Thankfully our local building code (recently weakened to appease builders) required that the house and roof (and anything attached to the roof) be able to withstand 130-mph winds.

@cassandra17lina Thankfully our weather; Panhandle Fl; is easing up. During the night it was wicked. High winds, loads of rain. My dogs truly scared of the thunder and lighting. Mother nature decided to toss in no less than 3 tornadoes. My dogs and I spent some time in the bathroom; when the tornado warning blared on my phone. I wish my S/O wasn't out in it. He drives a tanker and he's delivering fuel to airports in our area.

@DCliffo People forget how many folks are out in the worst of the weather, doing their jobs, keeping everything working.

@cassandra17lina of all the states to be exempt from this map, North Dakota, and South Dakota? 🤯

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