@Alfred Write me a post that is a security tip which incorporates Malort

@Eaglesfanintn Need to be extra attentive when they are in the oven. There is a fine line between perfectly crispy and burnt. 😂

Making wings today for the Super Bowl.

My typically recipe: marinate in butter milk and hot sauce over night. Pat dry. Rub with salt, pepper, and some other spices. Smoke for 2.5 hours at 235F. Then crisp in oven for 15-20 minutes at 500F. Toss in wing sauce and serve with blue cheese dressing.

ATTN: There are just about 2 weeks left to submit to the THOTCON 0xC Call For Papers (CFP).

Now’s your chance to present your research and ideas at one of the best hacker conferences in the world. Don’t miss out!


I’m heading over to reddit.com/r/cybersecurity/ on Reddit tomorrow (10/8) at 2pm ET to host my first-ever AMA. Happy to answer your burning questions on crypto hacks, security tips, and cybersecurity investigations.

@AkomoCombine Certainly nothing to learn from those who spread hate and misinformation. Unfortunately, the extremists on all sides of the the discussion often attract aways those who there maybe something to learn from leaving just an echo chamber in the network.

Due to social network fragmentation, 2023 will be the year we become more isolated and less tolerant online. This will certainly bleed over to the physical world and have unfortunate consequences. In others words, if you think it is bad now, just wait for what’s to come.

How do we overcome this?

@Punctuator Basically is is a connection out of a network that allows the external system it connected with to send commands that are executed locally. In other words, it’s a backdoor into a “secure” network.

If you’ve recently upgraded to MacOS Ventura and you are now seeing a concerning “Profile/MDM wants to make changes.” alert asking for your credentials. It’s likely MacOS wanting to reapply the DEF CON 30 Wifi profile. Search “profiles” in Settings & remove it.

@catherineryanhyde Noticed that tonight and didn’t know what planet it way. Thanks for sharing!

After what we learned about the lack of basic security hygiene at Twitter and the telegraphing that today was coming, I’m genuinely curious how Elon is balancing the risk that multiple reverse shells haven’t been planted by 1 of the 1000s outgoing Engineering team members.

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Nick Percoco

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.