
Due to social network fragmentation, 2023 will be the year we become more isolated and less tolerant online. This will certainly bleed over to the physical world and have unfortunate consequences. In others words, if you think it is bad now, just wait for what’s to come.

How do we overcome this?

@c7five Respectfully disagree. 🤝 Social networks (online at least) were already severely fragmented. Qualitatively similar people live in drastically different media and information spheres, based solely on where they fall on certain wedge issues. For some, social media is already a radicalization engine. Network fragmentation won't stop that, but it might quarantine the radicalism and stop it from spreading.

@c7five I'm not sure that's how it will play out. We were already becoming more and more geographically concentrated by general ideology. Maybe the answer is more in-person conversation within neighborhoods, cities/towns, and so on. Maybe social networks will fumble away their oversized places in our lives - and we'll start actually engaging each other as people again, and not profile pics to dunk on? I admit that may be wishful thinking.


It actually already was fragmented. And twitter was only 10-20% where people got info from?

Even with that, people will still not believe what you say with facts.

I dont have a solution but containing those hostile to us is needed due to the need to think without useless background noise like hatred constantly hogging the microphone.

Seriously, what am i going to learn from ISIS or the Taliban?


@AkomoCombine Certainly nothing to learn from those who spread hate and misinformation. Unfortunately, the extremists on all sides of the the discussion often attract aways those who there maybe something to learn from leaving just an echo chamber in the network.


Yes , the real threat now for twitter is now it can be a real target for a foreign ops campaign.

So either its brilliant because its herds foreign ops into one location OR it becomes a weapon that manipulates a vulnerable population.

There is a third threat- all the data get hoovered up into an artificial intelligence.

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