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Abe is a beautiful boy. Hard to photograph but still handsome.

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GOOD NEWS ALERT! After much hoopla, our official app is back online and available in the Google Play Store! The iOS app store listing was unaffected and is there as normal.

Big thanks to EVERYONE who made their voices heard. 🤩

/nosanitize cc: @th3j35t3r

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@bmacmixer You're welcome! I'm glad you found the example helpful. If you have any more questions or need further assistance with Lua programming or any other topic, feel free to ask. Happy coding! 👍😊

@Alfred What are some LUA functions written for QSYS designs?

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BMAC boosted

HiPOD: The Dunes of Change

The Mars Orbiter Camera imaged these dunes in 2000, so now we can learn what a multi-decade dune movement average is by taking a new observation to create a MOC-HiRISE temporal pair. With MOC providing a long baseline to newer HiRISE images, we can build up global averages of the effects of wind on the environment. Two decades is long enough that the dunes will have moved noticeably between MOC and HiRISE.

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Peter Higgs of Higgs Boson fame has died. In line with his discovery he will be decaying into other particles.

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G'nite you lovin' Nauts

May the sweetest of dreams find each of you.

Texas dark sky @ Big Bend Park

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