I sure am getting tired of being forced to choose between religious wackos or racists. I definitely could use some better choices. I mean I always end up voting for the wackos because at least they aren't the racists, but shit, I would like some actual choices.

Gosh, we just can't hold any of these rich white men accountable. We tried absolutely everything except holding them accountable, and geez, it just seems they get away with everything. Gosh.

At this point, how do we get back to being a representative government that does the will of the people? The way I see it, we have hundreds and hundreds of rulers, and very little actual representation. So, how do we as a people get back to a point where we have a say in our government?

Bonus points for not trying the whole "just vote" avenue. We all vote and have seen the results.

Gee Five boosted

Our system of government absolutely depends on some people being above the law. It always has, it always will.
It is hard to acknowledge.

Negativland - Certain Men


"Certain men always get their way in the end"

At the very last second, a court jumped in to let him get away with it. Before you even bother getting angry, you already knew this was going to happen.
(Saying that as much to myself as I am farting it out into the ether.)

Looks like we are going to have to party like it's 1789.

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Gee Five

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