@annamousse I suppose they did? From the About: "Many of the hydrants featured in the directory have been painted by residents of the neighborhoods they supply."
The Hydrant Directory is a free design resource created from public infrastructure. Each hydrant has been processed into color palettes for free use by artists and designers.
Color palettes are original and are placed in the public domain for use of any kind without attribution ( CC0 no rights reserved ). The hydrants themselves, however, do not belong to me. Use them with discretion and respect.
#streetart #hydrants #color
@Priestess Yeah. I know that some email clients don't show the sender details, which in this case would have made the message look a lot more legit. Doesn't help the cause.
got a phishing message from "Paypal" -- actually an individual gmail account -- that Proton Mail didn't catch. Reported it to them, bit surprised b/c: obvious.
@Zeroshot skating to where the puck _was_. I guess some CS education is better than none?
@Oma_Trisha All true. I had an 80's Corolla, put 250k miles on it, got bored of it traded it for a bookshelf or something. It's still on the road.
@kel @LlamaMountainStudioArts yeah or just a bit of tinsel? Crow might steal it though
@LlamaMountainStudioArts looks spiffy
Checked the tire pressure(s). Much inflation ensued. Thanks Biden? Anyway, maybe check the tires near you, they could be low which will cost cash and cause problems. #tires
@KAutumnrain I bought a System76 laptop which comes with pop!_OS (skinned ubuntu). It's just...easy. I am lazy now.
@northernbassist ouch.
@KAutumnrain I found Arch interesting but too attention-seeky. Was constantly having to tinker, was a drag on productivity.
@LnzyHou @KGinKS Hi -- If I click on my handle, look all the way right of the screen, click the three dot menu, choose "preferences", then click "Account", I can change my email address.
Here's a shortcut: https://counter.social/settings/preferences
So it's a standard Molex thing and their website links out to the exact item at a handful of vendors. 19 cents each instead of the 7 bucks at NewEgg. 🎉
@Bix Hertz's clearance sale on Teslas ain't going to help that. At this rate private equity vultures will be picking it apart for IP by winter.
@MrGoat thanks!
ideal for precision work